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KM_AxisGroup Class

KM_Controller Object for grouping Axis channels
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: KMotion_dotNet
Assembly: KMotion_dotNet (in KMotion_dotNet.dll) Version: (
public class KM_AxisGroup

The KM_AxisGroup type exposes the following members.

Public methodKM_AxisGroup Creates group of axes
Public propertyAxisList Axis objects that the group is comprised of
Public propertyBreakAngle Trajectory Planner Break Angle, larger angles require full stop
Public propertyCollinearTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Public propertyCornerTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Public propertyFacetAngle Trajectory Planner angles to be used when corner rounding
Public propertyFeedRate Desired FeedRate in inches/sec for coordinated motion Feeds (G1,G2,G3)
Public propertyFeedRateOverride Coordinated Motion Feed Rate Setting Multiplier
Public propertyID Axis C is in Degrees
Public propertyIsAborted Coordinated Motion Abort State
Public propertyIsHalted Coordinated Motion Halt State
Public propertyLookAhead Trajectory Planner Lookahead/buffer time
Public propertyMaxLength Trajectory Planner max allowed length for individual segments (long linear segments can cause cord errors in non-linear systems)
Public propertyName Call Name Use to describe what the Axis Group controls i.e. Spindle 1 Carriage, Wrist, etc...
Public propertyPreviousStopped Get/Set Previous Stopped after Halt State
Public propertyRapidParamsDirty Gets/Sets the RapidParamsDirty, if set Rapid parameters will be refressed from KFLOP/Kogna
Public propertySimulate Get/Set Coordinated Motion Simulation Mode
Public methodAbort Abort any Coordinated Motion
Public methodAddArc(Double, Double, Double, Double, Boolean, Double) Perform Coordinated Arc Move of multiple axis to a desired destination
Public methodAddArc(Double, Double, Double, Double, CANON_PLANE, Boolean, Double) Perform Coordinated Arc Move (in specified plane - replace xyz as appropriate) of multiple axis to a desired destination
Public methodAddArc(Double, Double, Double, Double, CANON_PLANE, Boolean, Double, Double, Double, Double) Perform Coordinated Arc Move (in specified plane) of multiple axis to a desired destination with aditional a,b,c, axes linearly interpolated
Public methodAddCommand Insert special embedded IO commaand into the Coordinated moition buffer
Public methodAddLine Add a linear motion to the coordinated motion buffer
Public methodClearAbort Clear any Coordinated Motion Abort condition
Public methodClearHalt Clear any Coordinated Motion Halt condition
Public methodCompletePath Finalize any motion that resides in the coordinated motion buffer
Public methodDisableGroup Abort and disable an entire coordinated group
Public methodEnableGroup Define, configure, and enable an axis group
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodHalt Halt any Coordinated Motion
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodMotionComplete Checks if the commanded axis group motion is completed
Public methodRapidTo Perform Rapid Move (independent motion) of multiple axis to a desired destination and wait until motion is completed
Public methodRunGcodeFile Launch GCode Interpreter executing specified GCode file
Public methodRunGcodeFileSegment Launch GCode Interpreter executing specified GCode file
Public methodSetMCodeAction Specifies a specific M Code action to be performed for a encountered MCodeSet. Parameters and data are specific to the action type
Public methodSetOffsetData Set Work Fixture Offset to be used by the GCode Interpreter
Public methodSetParamsFile Set Params File name to be used by the GCode Interpreter
Public methodSetToolFile Set Tool File name to be used by the GCode Interpreter
Public methodSetToolTableEntry Set Tool Table Entry to be used by the GCode Interpreter
Public methodStartPath Flush/clear coordinated motion buffer and wait for any rapids to complete
Public methodStartRapidTo Perform Start of Rapid Move (independent motion) of multiple axis to a desired destination
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodWaitforMotionComplete Blocks the calling thread until the axis group is in position within a specified time limit
Protected field_ArcsToSegs Causes Arcs to be converted to segments (Kinematic Setting)
Protected field_AxisList Axis objects that the group is comprised of
Protected field_BreakAngle Trajectory Planner Break Angle, larger angles require full stop
Protected field_CollinearTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Protected field_Controller KM_Controller Object for used for device access
Protected field_CornerTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Protected field_DegreesA Causes Arcs to be converted to segments (User Setting)
Protected field_DegreesB Axis A is in Degrees
Protected field_DegreesC Axis B is in Degrees
Protected field_FacetAngle Trajectory Planner angles to be used when corner rounding
Protected field_FeedRate Desired FeedRate in inches/sec for coordinated motion Feeds (G1,G2,G3)
Protected field_ID Axis Group Number
Protected field_LookAhead Trajectory Planner Plan/Look ahead in seconds
Protected field_MaxLength Trajectory Planner max allowed length for individual segments (long linear segments can cause cord errors in non-linear systems)
Protected field_Name Call Name Use to describe what the Axis Group controls i.e. Spindle 1 Carriage, Wrist, etc...
Protected field_UseOnlyLinearSegments Axis Group Number
See Also