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KM_AxisGroup Properties

The KM_AxisGroup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAxisList Axis objects that the group is comprised of
Public propertyBreakAngle Trajectory Planner Break Angle, larger angles require full stop
Public propertyCollinearTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Public propertyCornerTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Public propertyFacetAngle Trajectory Planner angles to be used when corner rounding
Public propertyFeedRate Desired FeedRate in inches/sec for coordinated motion Feeds (G1,G2,G3)
Public propertyFeedRateOverride Coordinated Motion Feed Rate Setting Multiplier
Public propertyID Axis C is in Degrees
Public propertyIsAborted Coordinated Motion Abort State
Public propertyIsHalted Coordinated Motion Halt State
Public propertyLookAhead Trajectory Planner Lookahead/buffer time
Public propertyMaxLength Trajectory Planner max allowed length for individual segments (long linear segments can cause cord errors in non-linear systems)
Public propertyName Call Name Use to describe what the Axis Group controls i.e. Spindle 1 Carriage, Wrist, etc...
Public propertyPreviousStopped Get/Set Previous Stopped after Halt State
Public propertyRapidParamsDirty Gets/Sets the RapidParamsDirty, if set Rapid parameters will be refressed from KFLOP/Kogna
Public propertySimulate Get/Set Coordinated Motion Simulation Mode
See Also