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KM_AxisGroup Fields

The KM_AxisGroup type exposes the following members.

Protected field_ArcsToSegs Causes Arcs to be converted to segments (Kinematic Setting)
Protected field_AxisList Axis objects that the group is comprised of
Protected field_BreakAngle Trajectory Planner Break Angle, larger angles require full stop
Protected field_CollinearTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Protected field_Controller KM_Controller Object for used for device access
Protected field_CornerTolerance Trajectory Planner Collinear tolerance at which in-line segments can be combined
Protected field_DegreesA Causes Arcs to be converted to segments (User Setting)
Protected field_DegreesB Axis A is in Degrees
Protected field_DegreesC Axis B is in Degrees
Protected field_FacetAngle Trajectory Planner angles to be used when corner rounding
Protected field_FeedRate Desired FeedRate in inches/sec for coordinated motion Feeds (G1,G2,G3)
Protected field_ID Axis Group Number
Protected field_LookAhead Trajectory Planner Plan/Look ahead in seconds
Protected field_MaxLength Trajectory Planner max allowed length for individual segments (long linear segments can cause cord errors in non-linear systems)
Protected field_Name Call Name Use to describe what the Axis Group controls i.e. Spindle 1 Carriage, Wrist, etc...
Protected field_UseOnlyLinearSegments Axis Group Number
See Also