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KM_Axis Class

Axis class for KM_Controller Use to control a single axis channel The axis channel can be configured via a c program and the KM_Controller or Use the configuration methods to set the desired parameters
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: KMotion_dotNet
Assembly: KMotion_dotNet (in KMotion_dotNet.dll) Version: (
public class KM_Axis

The KM_Axis type exposes the following members.

Public methodKM_Axis Default constructor for the Axis Object
Public propertyAcceleration Acceleration to use during Rapids and Independent Motion
Public propertyCoordAccel Max Acceleration to to use during Coordinated Motion Feeds
Public propertyCoordVelocity Max Commanded velocity to use during Coordinated Motion Feeds
Public propertyCPU Counts per unit, must set before Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk
Public propertyCPU_is_mm Indicates if CPU (Counts/unit) is mm otherwise inches
Public propertyHomingParams Data memeber for thr homing sequence attributes
Public propertyID Axis Channel Number Valid range = ( 0 - 7 )
Public propertyJerk Jerk to to use during Rapids and Independent Motion
Public propertyJogPercent The level of jog percenatage computed from the commanded jog velocity
Public propertyJogVelocity Commanded jog velocity
Public propertyName Call Name Use to describe what the Axis controls i.e. Positioning Fence 1, X, etc...
Public propertyTuningParams Accessor to the axis channel's tuning parameters
Public propertyVelocity Commanded velocity to use during Rapids and Independent Motion
Public methodCheckEnabled Check if the axis is enabled
Public methodDisable Disable the axis
Public methodDoHome Executes a homing sequence based on the settings within the HomingParams variable and waits until the execution is complete
Public methodEnable Bring an axis to an enabled state
Public methodEnableDest Bring an axis to an enabled state and specify the commanded destination for the axis dest is multiplied by CPU and sent to KFLOP
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodEStop Stop the current motion and disable the axis
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetActualPosition Querys the axis channel for the actual position in user units
Public methodGetActualPositionCounts Querys the axis channel for the actual position in counts
Public methodGetCommandedPosition Querys the axis channel for the commanded position in user units
Public methodGetCommandedPositionCounts Querys the axis channel for the commanded position in counts
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHomeFileSource Creates the source code for the .c file with an empty main() method
Public methodGetHomeSequence Creates the lines of code to place in the main() method
Public methodGetMoveToStateAtVel Auto Generates KFLOP C Code to move until an input bit changes
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodJog Jog axis at the commanded preset jogvelocity * jogpercentage
Public methodJog(Double) Jog axis at a given velocity
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodMotionComplete Checks if the commanded axis motion is completed
Public methodMoveTo Calls a move to a given absolute position and blocks the calling thread until the position has been acheived
Public methodRelativeMoveTo Calls a move to a given relative position and blocks the calling thread until the position has been acheived
Public methodSetCommandedDest Sets the axis node's commanded Destination Caution: changing this may result in a sudden jump in the axis position
Public methodSetCurrentPosition Sets the axis node's current position Can be used to "zero" the axis
Public methodStartDoHome Executes a homing sequence based on the settings within the HomingParams variable
Public methodStartMoveTo Calls a non-blocking move to a given absolute position
Public methodStartRelativeMoveTo Calls a non-blocking move to a given relative position
Public methodStop Stop the current motion
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodWaitforMotionComplete Blocks the calling thread until the axis is in position within a specified time limit
Public methodZeroAxis Sets the Axis' current 0.0 point
Protected field_Controller KM_Controller Object for used for device access
Protected field_CoordAccel Acceleration to use during Coordinated Motion using Trajectory Planner
Protected field_CoordVelocity Velocity to use during Coordinated Motion using Trajectory Planner
Protected field_CPU Multiplier for the velocity in counts/unit
Protected field_CPU_is_mm The level of jog percenatage computed from the commanded jog velocity
Protected field_HomingParams Data memeber for thr homing sequence attributes
Protected field_ID Axis Channel Number Valid range = ( 0 - 7 )
Protected field_JogPercent The level of jog percenatage computed from the commanded jog velocity
Protected field_JogVelocity Commanded jog velocity
Protected field_Name Call Name Use to describe what the Axis controls i.e. Positioning Fence 1, X, etc...
Protected field_TuningParams Accessor to the axis channel's tuning parameters
Protected field_Velocity Velocity to use during positioning Jogging uses its own velocity passed in
See Also