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KM_CoordMotion Methods

The KM_CoordMotion type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbort Abort causes all motion to abruptly stop usually due to something catastrophic like a communication error Use in an E-Stop condition
Public methodArcFeed Perform arc motion at a specified feed rate (in/sec)
Public methodArcFeedAccel Perform arc motion at a specified feed rate (in/sec) and Acceleration (in/sec2)
Public methodCheckMotionHalt Cehecks for a motion halt
Public methodClearAbort Clears any existing Abort conditions
Public methodClearHalt Clear any exisiting halts
Public methodDispose Releases object resources
Public methodDoKMotionBufCmd Inserts a console script command in the buffer
Public methodDoKMotionCmd Processes a console script command
Public methodDoRateAdjustments Update the Trajectory Planner's segment feedrates.
Public methodDoSpecialCommand Perform segment execution
Public methodDownloadDoneSegments Download all computed segments from the Trajectory Planner to the device buffer
Public methodDownloadInit Initializes download
Public methodDwell Pause motion fow given amount of time
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodExecutionStop Stop the execution of current motion in a controlled number
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFlushSegments Flushes the segment buffer
Public methodGetAxisDefinitions Get the assignment of KFLOP axis Channels to GCode Axes XYZABC, -1 indicates unused/unassigned axis
Public methodGetAxisDestination Gets the axis destination
Public methodGetAxisPosition Gets the axis position
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodHalt Halt cause motion to stop in a controlled manner. A feed hold is commanded so that the motion decellerates along the intended path. After the system completely stops, the exact point in the Coordinated Motion Buffer where the stop actually happened is uploaded and the GCode Interpreter is rewound to that point.
Public methodKinematicsReadGeoTable Loads Coordinated Motion Kinematics Geo Correction Table
Public methodMeasurePointAppendToFile Write position data to file
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodOnTraverseCompletes Returns after the Async Traverse is called
Public methodOutputSegment Output given segment
Public methodReadAndSyncCurPositions First Syncs the Coor Motion Library to the current axis destinations then sets the passed variables to the CoordMotion's Absolute positions
Public methodSetAxisDefinitions Set the assignment of KFLOP axis Channels to GCode Axes XYZABC, -1 indicates unused/unassigned axis
Public methodSetTPParams Force the Trajectory Planner to update it's parameters
Public methodStartTraverse Fires an async delegate to move axes at traversal speeds non-interpolated
Public methodStraightFeed Perform linear motion at a specified feed rate (in/sec)
Public methodStraightFeedAccel Perform linear motion at a specified feed rate (in/sec) and Acceleration (in/sec2)
Public methodStraightTraverse Move axes at traversal speeds non-interpolated
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUpdateCurrentPositionsABS Sets the passed variables to the CoordMotion's Absolute positions
Public methodWaitForMoveXYZABCFinished Blocks calling thread until all commanded motion is complete
Public methodWaitForSegmentsFinished Waits for all buffered segments to complete Blocks calling thread until the buffer is complete
See Also