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KM_MotionParams Class

Trajectory Planner Motion Parameter Settings
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: KMotion_dotNet
Assembly: KMotion_dotNet (in KMotion_dotNet.dll) Version: (
public class KM_MotionParams

The KM_MotionParams type exposes the following members.

Public methodKM_MotionParams Primary constructor for the KM_MotionParams object
Public propertyArcsToSegs Converts Arcs to linear segments (User Setting)
Public propertyBreakAngle Max angle before Trajectory Planner locks the segment list and optimizes next entities
Public propertyCollinearTolerance If the angle between consecutive linear segments is less than this value, they will be treated as the same segment
Public propertyCornerTolerance Maximum variance when smoothed cornering is applied
Public propertyCountsPerInchA Counts/Steps per Inch for the mapped "A" axis
Public propertyCountsPerInchB Counts/Steps per Inch for the mapped "B" axis
Public propertyCountsPerInchC Counts/Steps per Inch for the mapped "C" axis
Public propertyCountsPerInchX Counts/Steps per Inch for the mapped "X" axis
Public propertyCountsPerInchY Counts/Steps per Inch for the mapped "Y" axis
Public propertyCountsPerInchZ Counts/Steps per Inch for the mapped "Z" axis
Public propertyDegreesA Whether Axis A is in units of Degrees
Public propertyDegreesB Whether Axis B is in units of Degrees
Public propertyDegreesC Whether Axis C is in units of Degrees
Public propertyDoRapidsAsFeeds Property for DoRapidsAsFeeds (For non-linear Kinematics Rapids must be treated as feeds and subdivided)
Public propertyFacetAngle Max anglular deviation for arc segments
Public propertyMaxAccelA Maximum Acceleration for the mapped "A" axis
Public propertyMaxAccelB Maximum Acceleration for the mapped "B" axis
Public propertyMaxAccelC Maximum Acceleration for the mapped "C" axis
Public propertyMaxAccelX Maximum Acceleration for the mapped "X" axis
Public propertyMaxAccelY Maximum Acceleration for the mapped "Y" axis
Public propertyMaxAccelZ Maximum Acceleration for the mapped "Z" axis
Public propertyMaxLinearLength Longest allowable segment length before dividing into smaller segments
Public propertyMaxVelA Maximum Velocity for the mapped "A" axis
Public propertyMaxVelB Maximum Velocity for the mapped "B" axis
Public propertyMaxVelC Maximum Velocity for the mapped "C" axis
Public propertyMaxVelX Maximum Velocity for the mapped "X" axis
Public propertyMaxVelY Maximum Velocity for the mapped "Y" axis
Public propertyMaxVelZ Maximum Velocity for the mapped "Z" axis
Public propertyRadiusA Radius Associated with Axis A
Public propertyRadiusB Radius Associated with Axis B
Public propertyRadiusC Radius Associated with Axis C
Public propertyTCP_Active Whether RTCP (Kinematics) is Active or not.
Public propertyTPLookahead How many seconds can be previewed for Trajectory Planning optimization
Public propertyUseOnlyLinearSegments Converts Arcs to linear segments (Kinematic Setting)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodSetTPParams Force the Trajectory Planner to update it's parameters
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also