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KM_Interpreter Properties

The KM_Interpreter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanResume Enables Resuming after a Halt or Tool Change
Public propertyHandle CCoordMotion class instance pointer
Public propertyInitializeOnExecute Specifies whether or not the Interpreter should be intialized before execution
Public propertyInterpretThreadID The Worker Thread ID of the GCode Interpreter
Public propertyInvokeThreadID The Worker Thread ID of the GCode Interpreter Invoke Action
Public propertyIsAbort Returns true if the CoordMotion is aborting
Public propertyIsHalt Returns true if the CoordMotion is halted
Public propertyLoaded Flag to determine that this object has been properly initialized
Public propertyMaxErrorLength Maximum allowed return error string length
Public propertyReadToolFile Specifies whether or not the Interpreter should read the Tool file before execution
Public propertyResumeDoSafeFeedZ specifies if the Z should then be fed down to some height
Public propertyResumeFeedRate Specifies Rate at which feed rate should be restored to before continuing GCode
Public propertyResumeFeedSafeZ Specifies height Z should be fed down to
Public propertyResumeMoveToSafeZ Specifies whether or not the Z should be first moved up
Public propertyResumeRestoreFeedRate Specifies whether or not the specified feed rate should be restored
Public propertyResumeSafeRelAbs Specifies if the Z heights are Absolute or Relative
Public propertyResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW Specifies Spindle direction if it is to be re-started
Public propertyResumeSafeStartSpindle Specifies if the Spindle should be re-started
Public propertyResumeSafeZ Safe Z height to be raised to.
Public propertyResumeTraverseSafeX Position in X on Resume
Public propertyResumeTraverseSafeY Position in Y on Resume
Public propertyResumeTraverseXY Specifies whether it is OK to move back to an XY position
Public propertyResumeZFeedRate Specifies Rate at which Z feed rate should be set at
Public propertySetupFile File path for the EMC setup parameters
Public propertySetupParams Direct Access to the EMC Setup Parameters Use caution when setting any of these properties during run
Public propertyToolFile File path for the EMC style Tool File
Public propertyVarsFile File path for the EMC Vars file
See Also