KM_ |
The KM_Interpreter type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CanResume | Enables Resuming after a Halt or Tool Change | |
Handle | CCoordMotion class instance pointer | |
InitializeOnExecute | Specifies whether or not the Interpreter should be intialized before execution | |
InterpretThreadID | The Worker Thread ID of the GCode Interpreter | |
InvokeThreadID | The Worker Thread ID of the GCode Interpreter Invoke Action | |
IsAbort | Returns true if the CoordMotion is aborting | |
IsHalt | Returns true if the CoordMotion is halted | |
Loaded | Flag to determine that this object has been properly initialized | |
MaxErrorLength | Maximum allowed return error string length | |
ReadToolFile | Specifies whether or not the Interpreter should read the Tool file before execution | |
ResumeDoSafeFeedZ | specifies if the Z should then be fed down to some height | |
ResumeFeedRate | Specifies Rate at which feed rate should be restored to before continuing GCode | |
ResumeFeedSafeZ | Specifies height Z should be fed down to | |
ResumeMoveToSafeZ | Specifies whether or not the Z should be first moved up | |
ResumeRestoreFeedRate | Specifies whether or not the specified feed rate should be restored | |
ResumeSafeRelAbs | Specifies if the Z heights are Absolute or Relative | |
ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW | Specifies Spindle direction if it is to be re-started | |
ResumeSafeStartSpindle | Specifies if the Spindle should be re-started | |
ResumeSafeZ | Safe Z height to be raised to. | |
ResumeTraverseSafeX | Position in X on Resume | |
ResumeTraverseSafeY | Position in Y on Resume | |
ResumeTraverseXY | Specifies whether it is OK to move back to an XY position | |
ResumeZFeedRate | Specifies Rate at which Z feed rate should be set at | |
SetupFile | File path for the EMC setup parameters | |
SetupParams | Direct Access to the EMC Setup Parameters Use caution when setting any of these properties during run | |
ToolFile | File path for the EMC style Tool File | |
VarsFile | File path for the EMC Vars file |