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KM_CoordMotion Properties

The KM_CoordMotion type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoardNumber Board number (for use in multiple board scenarios)
Public propertyBufferedSegments Gets how may segments are currently loaded into the CoordMotion buffer
Public propertyFeedRateOverride Gets/Sets the Feedrate override for all axes
Public propertyFeedRateRapidOverride Gets/Sets the Feedrate Rapid override for all axes
Public propertyHardwareFRORange Gets/Sets the Hardware FRO Range for all axes Below this value FRO is handled by hardware (no delay) Above this value FRO is handle by the Trajectory Planner (proper accelerations)
Public propertyInstanceHandle CCoordMotion class instance pointer
Public propertyInterpreter RS274 Interpreter Component
Public propertyIsAbort Returns true if the CoordMotion is aborting
Public propertyIsHalt Returns true if the CoordMotion is halted
Public propertyIsPreviouslyStopped Result of previous Interpreter Halt
Public propertyIsSimulation Flags whether to Simulate commands or not
Public propertyLoaded Flag to determine that this object has been properly initialized
Public propertyMaxErrorLength Maximum allowed return error string length
Public propertyMotionParams Accessor to the various MotionParams
Public propertyRemainingTimeInBuffer Gets time Total time downloaded into the CoordMotion buffer
Public propertySpindleRateOverride Gets/Sets the Spindlerate override for all axes
Public propertyTimeExecuted Gets how many seconds have already been executed
Public propertyTotalTimeInBuffer Gets time Total time downloaded into the CoordMotion buffer
See Also