KM_ |
The KM_Interpreter type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Abort | Abort Intpreter Execution | |
ChangeFixtureNumber | Set the current fixture | |
ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord | Convert Absolute to Interpreter Coordinates | |
ConvertAbsoluteToMachine | Convert Absolute to Machine Coordinates | |
ConvertAbsToUserUnitsA | Takes ABS "A" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units | |
ConvertAbsToUserUnitsB | Takes ABS "B" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units | |
ConvertAbsToUserUnitsC | Takes ABS "C" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units | |
ConvertAbsToUserUnitsX | Takes ABS "X" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units | |
ConvertAbsToUserUnitsY | Takes ABS "Y" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units | |
ConvertAbsToUserUnitsZ | Takes ABS "Z" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units | |
Dispose | Releases the object resources | |
DoExecute | Internal Use only? | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) | |
ExecutePC | Calling this spawns a Windows PC Application by the specified name | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) | |
Get_CanResume | Get KM_Interpreter possible to resume after a halt | |
Get_InterpretWin32ThreadID | Return the current Thread ID as a Win32 Identifier useful in comparing Thead IDs with Interpreter Worker Thread | |
Get_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed to be performed | |
Get_ResumeFeedRate | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be used | |
Get_ResumeFeedSafeZ | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used | |
Get_ResumeMoveToSafeZ | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion to be performed or not | |
Get_ResumeRestoreFeedRate | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be restored or not | |
Get_ResumeSafeRelAbs | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion Relative vs Absolute setting 1=abs 0=rel | |
Get_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle Direction to be performed | |
Get_ResumeSafeStartSpindle | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle to be performed | |
Get_ResumeSafeZ | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z height for Resume sequence | |
Get_ResumeTraverseSafeX | Get KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Safe Motion to be performed | |
Get_ResumeTraverseSafeY | Get KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion Y Position | |
Get_ResumeTraverseXY | Get KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Motion to be performed | |
Get_ResumeZFeedRate | Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) | |
GetIsAbort | KM_Interpreter Abort Condition | |
GetIsHalt | KM_Interpreter Halt Condition | |
GetMcodeAction | Gets an MCode Action definition | |
GetOrigin | Gets the Origin offset | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) | |
Halt | Halt Intpreter Execution | |
InchesToUserUnits | Takes in an inch value and returns the value in Interpreter's current units | |
InitializeInterpreter | Resets the interpreter params to the inital state | |
Interpret(String) | Interpret an entire File | |
Interpret(String, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Interpret a File with the functionality to only interpret a portion of the file (useful for resuming execution after a program stoppage) | |
InvokeAction | Invokes a preset "Action" Will need clarification on how to setup these Actions | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) | |
ReadAndSynchCurInterpreterPosition | Syncronizes the Interpreter Position to the current Axes Positions | |
ReadCurInterpreterPosition | Syncronizes the Interpreter Position to the current Axes Positions | |
ReadCurMachinePosition | Read Hardware and convert to Absolute Machine Coordinates | |
Set_CanResume | Set KM_Interpreter possible to resume after a halt | |
Set_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed to be performed | |
Set_ResumeFeedRate | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be used | |
Set_ResumeFeedSafeZ | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used | |
Set_ResumeMoveToSafeZ | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion to be performed | |
Set_ResumeRestoreFeedRate | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be restored or not | |
Set_ResumeSafeRelAbs | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion Relative vs Absolute setting 1=abs 0=rel | |
Set_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle Direction to be performed | |
Set_ResumeSafeStartSpindle | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle to be performed | |
Set_ResumeSafeZ | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z height for Resume sequence | |
Set_ResumeTraverseSafeX | Set KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion X Position | |
Set_ResumeTraverseSafeY | Set KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion Y Position | |
Set_ResumeTraverseXY | Set KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Safe Motion to be performed | |
Set_ResumeZFeedRate | Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used | |
SetMcodeAction | Sets an MCode Action definition | |
SetOrigin | Sets the origin offset | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) | |
UserUnitsToInches | Takes in a value as Interpreter's current units and returns the value in Inches |