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KM_Interpreter Fields

The KM_Interpreter type exposes the following members.

Protected field_ErrorLength Maximum allowed return error string length
Protected field_InstanceHandle CCoordMotion class instance pointer
Protected field_Loaded Flag to determine that this object has been properly initialized
Protected field_SetupParams Direct Access to the EMC Setup Parameters Use caution when setting any of these properties during run
Protected fieldInterpreterCompletedHandler Internal Interpreter Complete callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
Protected fieldInterpreterStatusUpdatedHandler Internal Interpreter Status callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
Protected fieldInterpreterUserCallbackRequestedHandler Internal Interpreter UserCallback callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
Protected fieldInterpreterUserMCodeCallbackRequestedHandler Internal Interpreter UserMcodeCallback callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
See Also