Known KMotionCNC CAD/CAM Post Processors
From Dynomotion
AutoDesk Fusion 360
See this post
Also this post
Alexander (Александр Украинец) contributed two Posts. One for Mill and one for Lathe (the .txt extension should be removed)
Fusion360_KFLOP_Turning_Rev2.cps.txt (Added thread cutting G32)
mirocha posted this file on cnczone
KMotionCNC Fusion Post Processor
Post Processor for Fusion 360, I built a DIY 3 axia router, built to mill aluminum, 40 mm anti backlash ball screws, 3 hp spindle, stout machine. My programing computer hard drive crashed, new hard drive and reloaded Fusion 360 took hours to find the post processor file I was using and has worked for a few years with no problems. Below is the post processor for fusion 360 that I use. In my case I zero the XYZ to the piece, I do not have a tool changer, when I create the g code in Fusion 360 I create the g code for each tool separately, run the program, manually change the tool and run the next program for the next tool. This has worked great for me.
If your a DIY and need a post processor for fusion 360 this one works for Kflop/Kmotion, What I did was made a copy of one of the fusion 360 stock .cps files that are in fusion 360, open the KmotionCNC.pdf in notepad copy what is in the pdf over the stock .cps file and renamed it KmotionCNC
See Forum Thread here.
Dolphin CAD/CAM
See Forum Thread here.