
Main Page

59 bytes added, 01:18, 19 October 2015
To create a new wiki page (after registering for an account) click 'edit' on this main page, scroll to where you want to insert the link to your page, insert a link, save the page, click on the link you created, then click on "Empty Page" to begin editing.  Here are a few other quick tips.
* You can insert links or images by Right-Click Clicking with the mouse is a shortcut to insert Links on the line where you want the link or imagesimage to appear.* For Spell Correction you can use Ctrl-Right-Click. 
* To insert a YouTube Video use an EmbedVideo command such as <nowiki> {{#ev:youtube|xxxxx}}
</nowiki>with xxxxx changed to the Video ID.
Links to examples of projects that explain KMotionCNC customizations
- Troy (tmday7) created some helpful documents listed on the Yahoo Group Files Section [ Screen Customizing/ here].
==Dynomotion Hardware Topics==