A number of PC Applications using the KMotion Libraries are available in the Software download. Visual Studio should be used to modify/compile the applications. Currently the projects are compatible with VS 2008 Standard but later Versions can upgrade the projects and can be used including the free Microsoft Version of VS 2013 Community. In some cases MFC capability needs to be added as a separate download.
The Install Root directory contains a VS Solution BuildAllLibs.sln to build the KMotion Libraries.
The VS Solution \PC VC Examples\BuildExamples.sln will build most all of the Examples
MFC C++ Examples - \PC VC Examples
- KMotionCNC - CNC Application for controlling Mill/Router/Lathe etc
- Download Waveform - simple example to download some data to the gather buffer
- SimpleCoffload - simple example to compile/download a C Program to KFLOP
- SimpleConsole - simple example to send [../Help/CmdsCategory.htm Console Script commands] to KFLOP
- SimpleCoordMotion - simple example of creating coordinated motion paths in KFLOP
- SimpleGCode - simple example to execute a GCode File
C# Examples - \PC VC Examples
- KFlopWebNC - HTML CNC based App interfacing to KMotion Libraries
- KMotion_dotNet Console - Windows Console App using .NET Library Interface
- MeasureFiducials - Video Alignment Application to measure fiducial alignment marks and map coordinte space
- SimpleFormsCS - Simple Windows C# Forms App includes USB speed test
- TeachMotion - App for use with Lathe Spinners to teach Spinning motion and create GCode
Visual Basic Examples \PC VB Examples
- DynoMotion VB.net - Demonstrates Coordinated motion, GCode Execution, Status, etc...
- Jogger - Simple VB6 App to Jog Axes
- Jogger.NET - simple VB .NET App to Jog Axes