From Dynomotion
The KMotionDef.h, is a C header file which lists all variables and functions available to KFLOP C Programs. The KMotionDef.h file can be found at <KMotion Installation Directory>\DSP_KFLOP\
To be added
// standard math funtions
extern float sqrtf (float x);
extern float expf (float x);
extern float logf (float x);
extern float log10f(float x);
extern float powf (float x, float y);
extern float sinf (float x);
extern float cosf (float x);
extern float tanf (float x);
extern float asinf (float x);
extern float acosf (float x);
extern float atanf (float x);
extern float atan2f(float y, float x);
extern float fast_fabsf (float y);
extern double sqrt (double x);
extern double exp (double x);
extern double log (double x);
extern double log10(double x);
extern double pow (double x, double y);
extern double sin (double x);
extern double cos (double x);
extern double tan (double x);
extern double asin (double x);
extern double acos (double x);
extern double atan (double x);
extern double atan2(double y, double x);
extern double fast_fabs (double y);