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====[[KMotionDef - Standard Math Functions|Standard Math Funtions]]====
====[[KMotionDef - Standard Math Functions|Standard Math Funtions]]====
extern float [[KMotionDef - Standard Math Functions#sqrtf|sqrtf]] (float x);<br />extern float expf  (float x);<br />extern float logf  (float x);<br />extern float log10f(float x);<br />extern float powf  (float x, float y);<br />extern float sinf  (float x);<br />extern float cosf  (float x);<br />extern float tanf  (float x);<br />extern float asinf (float x);<br />extern float acosf (float x);<br />extern float atanf (float x);<br />extern float atan2f(float y, float x); <br />extern float fast_fabsf (float y);
extern float [[KMotionDef - Standard Math Functions#sqrtf|sqrtf]] (float x);<br />extern float [[KMotionDef - Standard Math Functions|expf]]  (float x);<br />extern float [[KMotionDef - Standard Math Functions|logf]]loat x);<br />extern float log10f(float x);<br />extern float powf  (float x, float y);<br />extern float sinf  (float x);<br />extern float cosf  (float x);<br />extern float tanf  (float x);<br />extern float asinf (float x);<br />extern float acosf (float x);<br />extern float atanf (float x);<br />extern float atan2f(float y, float x); <br />extern float fast_fabsf (float y);
extern double sqrt (double x);<br />extern double exp  (double x);<br />extern double log  (double x);<br />extern double log10(double x);<br />extern double pow  (double x, double y);<br />extern double sin  (double x);<br />extern double cos  (double x);<br />extern double tan  (double x);<br />extern double asin (double x);<br />extern double acos (double x);<br />extern double atan (double x);<br />extern double atan2(double y, double x); <br />extern double fast_fabs (double y);
extern double sqrt (double x);<br />extern double exp  (double x);<br />extern double log  (double x);<br />extern double log10(double x);<br />extern double pow  (double x, double y);<br />extern double sin  (double x);<br />extern double cos  (double x);<br />extern double tan  (double x);<br />extern double asin (double x);<br />extern double acos (double x);<br />extern double atan (double x);<br />extern double atan2(double y, double x); <br />extern double fast_fabs (double y);

Latest revision as of 15:07, 11 February 2016



The KMotionDef.h, is a C header file which lists all variables and functions available to KFLOP C Programs. The KMotionDef.h file can be located in the  \DSP_KFLOP\ directory.

The Big List

Please Note - at the moment this is a direct copy and paste of the KMotionDef.h file. As time allows, it will gradually link to other pages containing further details and examples of related variables and functions. If you wish to contribute to this task, please register.

To make already linked variables/functions stand out, the original unedited text has been coloured Blue. As the page is edited and linked, it will revert to normal wiki text colours.

//  Copyright Dynomotion 2/20/2004
//  Include this header file in User C programs that execute
//  in the DSP to define all User accessible KMotion functions,
//  constants, and data structures

  1. ifndef KMotionDef_h
    #define KMotionDef_h
  1. define KFLOP
    #define C6722
  1. define BOARD "KFLOP"

extern const char VersionAndBuildTime[];  // string with version and build time

  1. define CLOCKFREQ   50.0e6   // 200 MHz/4  

typedef int BOOL;

  1. ifndef _SIZE_T
    #define _SIZE_T
    typedef unsigned int size_t;
  1. ifndef NULL
    #define NULL    0
  1. ifndef FALSE
    #define FALSE 0
    #ifndef TRUE
    #define TRUE 1
    #ifndef PI
    #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264
    #ifndef PI_F
    #define PI_F 3.1415926535f
    #ifndef TWO_PI_F
    #define TWO_PI_F (2.0f * 3.1415926535f)
    #ifndef PI_2F
    #define PI_2F (3.1415926535f * 0.5f)
    #ifndef TWO_PI
    #define TWO_PI (2.0 * 3.14159265358979323846264)

#include "PC-DSP.h"   // contains common structures shared by PC and DSP

// Global Host Status that the PC Application can specify as it Requests Global Status
// to inform KFLOP User threads of its current state.  ie Job Actively running
// up to 32 bits of status can be specified.  See PC-DSP.h for normal bit defines
extern int volatile HostStatus;

  1. define JOB_ACTIVE (HostStatus & HOST_JOB_ACTIVE_BIT)

Standard Math Funtions

extern float sqrtf (float x);
extern float expf  (float x);
extern float logfloat x);
extern float log10f(float x);
extern float powf  (float x, float y);
extern float sinf  (float x);
extern float cosf  (float x);
extern float tanf  (float x);
extern float asinf (float x);
extern float acosf (float x);
extern float atanf (float x);
extern float atan2f(float y, float x);
extern float fast_fabsf (float y);

extern double sqrt (double x);
extern double exp  (double x);
extern double log  (double x);
extern double log10(double x);
extern double pow  (double x, double y);
extern double sin  (double x);
extern double cos  (double x);
extern double tan  (double x);
extern double asin (double x);
extern double acos (double x);
extern double atan (double x);
extern double atan2(double y, double x);
extern double fast_fabs (double y);

#define FPGA_ADDR ((volatile unsigned char *)0x91000000)   // Base of FPGA addresses
#define FPGA(X) (FPGA_ADDR[(X)*4+2])
#define FPGA_ADDRW ((volatile unsigned short int *)0x91000000)   // Base of FPGA addresses
#define FPGAW(X) (FPGA_ADDRW[(X)*2+1])
// This structure is set to default every time the program runs UNTIL
// the program image has been FLASHED using the FLASH command
// from then on it will not be cleared, so data that was present at the
// time it was flashed will persist    

  1. define N_USER_DATA_VARS 200
    typedef struct
        int RunOnStartUp; // word Bits 1-7 selects which threads to execute on startup  
        unsigned int EntryPoints[N_USER_THREADS];   // each downloaded program's entry point
        int UserData[N_USER_DATA_VARS]; // General purpose way to share and or save user program data
    } PERSIST;

extern PERSIST persist;   

extern int StatusRequestCounter;  // increments each time host requests status

// data gathering variables

  1. define MAX_GATHER_VALUES 32
  1. define GATHER_NULL_TYPE 7
    #define GATHER_ADC_TYPE 6
    #define GATHER_DOUBLE_TYPE 5
    #define GATHER_FLOAT_TYPE 4
    #define GATHER_INT_TYPE 1
    #define GATHER_END_TYPE 0

typedef struct  // define a size and address to store

    int type;    // GATHER_XXXXX_TYPE, 0=end of list
    void *addr;
typedef struct
    double *bufptr;         // data gathering buffer pointer
    double *endptr;         // done if bufptr = endptr   
    double Dest;             // Save where the injection will be relative to
    int Inject;             // if set, 1st address is to be copied from buffer to the address
    GATHER_VALUE_DEF list[MAX_GATHER_VALUES];   // list of addresses to gather (null after last value)

extern GATHER gather;   

  1. define MAX_GATHER_DATA 1000000 // Size of gather buffer (number of doubles, 8 bytes each).                  
    extern double *gather_buffer;   // Large buffer for data gathering, Bode plots, or User use
  1. define N_CPLX 2048

extern float *input;

void SetupGatherAllOnAxis(int c, int n_Samples);  // Prepares to gather info for an axis
void TriggerGather();                             // starts gathering defined items into gather buffer

#define TRAJECTORY_OFF 0          // no trajectory generation
#define TRAJECTORY_INDEPENDENT 1  // simple independent axis (3rd order funtion of time)
#define TRAJECTORY_LINEAR 2       // linear interpolated from coord system 0    (x = c*p+d)
#define TRAJECTORY_CIRCULAR 3     // circular interpolated from coord system 0  (x = c*sin(p*a+b)+d)
#define TRAJECTORY_SPECIAL 4      // Special Command to clear/set IO bit
          // do the operation
          // 0 = clearbit
          // 1 = setbit
          // 2 = wait for bit low
          // 3 = wait for bit high
          // 4 = beginning of Rapid
          // 5 = end of Rapid
          //    param 0 = bit number

#define TRAJECTORY_EXPONENTIAL 5  // independent axis (exponentially approach Dest a=Ratio per tick, b=Dest)

  1. define LAST_MOTION_JOG 0    // type of last independent motion was a jog
    #define LAST_MOTION_MOVE 1    // type of last independent motion was a move
    #define LAST_MOTION_MULTI 2    // type of last independent motion was a multi axis move (G0 type)
    #define LAST_MOTION_EXP 3    // type of last independent motion was an exponential

typedef struct  // linear (only c and d are used),or sine equation

    double a;   
    double b;   
    double c;   
    double d;   // always t^0 constant coefficient (starting position)

typedef struct  // linear (only c and d are used)

    double c;   
    double d;   // always t^0 constant coefficient (starting position)

// Motion structure for a coordinate system
// 3rd order polynomial for the parametric parameter
// defines a parametric parameter p that varies from 0->1 over the
// segment of motion as a function of time.  All the associated axes
// derive their position from this (either circular or linear)
// using either a circular formula or linear formula

typedef struct 
    char trajectory_mode;    // Off, circular, or linear
    unsigned char x_axis;    // associated x axis / or special command
    unsigned char y_axis;    // associated y axis
    unsigned char z_axis;    // associated z axis
    unsigned char a_axis;    // associated a axis
    unsigned char b_axis;    // associated b axis
    unsigned char c_axis;    // associated c axis
    unsigned char u_axis;    // associated u axis
    unsigned char v_axis;    // associated v axis
 short int special_param; // special param 0
 double t;   // time duration (in sec) of trip state
    double a;   // t^3 coefficient  (Jerk)
    double b;   // t^2 coefficient  (initial acceleration)
    double c;   // t^1 coefficient  (initial velocity)
    double d;   // t^0 constant coefficient (starting position)

typedef struct  // 3rd order polynomial for a single trip state

    int trajectory_mode;
    double t;   // time duration (in sec) of trip state
    double a;   // t^3 coefficient  (Jerk)
    double b;   // t^2 coefficient  (initial acceleration)
    double c;   // t^1 coefficient  (initial velocity)
    double d;   // t^0 constant coefficient (starting position)
typedef struct  // 2nd order IIR Filter
    float A1;   // output coefficient Z-1
    float A2;   // output coefficient Z-2
    float B0;   // input  coefficient Z-0  
    float B1;   // input  coefficient Z-1
    float B2;   // input  coefficient Z-2
    float d0,d1; // delay values
} IIR;

extern double CS0_t;    // Current Coordinated Motion Segment Times
extern double CS0_TimeExecuted;  // Sum of all previous Coordinated Motion Segments Executed
extern double CS0_TimeDownloaded; // Sum of all Coord Motion Segments downloaded from Host
extern double CS0_TimeLost;   // Sum of all Coord Motion Segments downloaded from Host that have been discarded (buffer wrap)
extern double CS0_TimeBase;       // how much coordinated motion is advanced each tick
extern double CS0_TimeBaseDelta;   // max amount coordinated motion time base is changed per tick
extern float CS0_DecelTime;   // how long to take to stop the coordinated motion (computed by StopMotion)
extern double CS0_TimeBaseDesired; // Last Desired rate-of-time (TIMEBASE = real time)

extern BOOL CS0_DoingRapid;    // Flag indicating Rapid in Progress so use normal Time Base ignoring FRO (except for FeedHold)     
extern BOOL CS0_Flushed;    // Coordinated motion Terminated so no longer necessary to worry about starvation      
extern BOOL CS0_HoldAtEnd;    // Coordinated motion to not Terminate but rather Hold when reaching end of buffer      

extern float CS0_NomDecel2TB2;   // Nominal Decel Time/(2 TIMEBASE^2) = Factor to relate buffer time to TimeBase to be able to stop

extern int CS0_StoppingState;    // emergency stop in progress, 0 = not stopping, 1=stopping coord motion, 2=stopping indep, 3=fully stopped, 4=ind stopped
extern PARAMETRIC_COEFF *CoordSystem0;  // current pointer into Coordinated Motion
extern PARAMETRIC_COEFF *LastCoordSystem0;
extern int ParametricIndex;    // Index of where to put next downloaded Coord Motion Segment or command
extern BOOL ParametricIndexWrapped;  // Indicates that Coord Motion Buffer has wrapped and additional segments will cause segments to be lost
extern PARAMETRIC_COEFF *ParametricCoeffs;  // Points to beginning of Coord Motion Buffer
extern PARAMETRIC_COEFF *ParametricCoeffsEnd;  // Points to End+1 of Allocated Coord Motion Buffer (MAX_SEGMENTS)
extern PARAMETRIC_COEFF *LastCoordSystem0;  // Pointer to last Segment executed when finished
extern PARAMETRIC_COEFF *LastValidTrajSegment; // Last Segment actually Executed

void StopCoordinatedMotion(void);   // bring any coordinated motion to a emergency stop ASAP
void ResumeCoordinatedMotion(void); // resume coordinated/Indep motion after an emergency stop
void ClearStopImmediately(void); // Clear Stop Condition without resuming
void UpdateStoppingState(void);  // Update Stopping Status (only required for indep stopping)
float GetNominalFROChangeTime(void);// computed time to change from FRO 1.0 to 0.0 for all defined CoordSystem Axes and their specified Vel, Accel, jerk
void SetFRO(float FRO); // change from current to the specified FRO (FRO=1.0=Realtime)using a nominal rate based on computed time to change from 1.0 to 0.0
void SetRapidFRO(float FRO); // change from current to the specified Rapid FRO (FRO=1.0=Realtime)using a nominal rate based on computed time to change from 1.0 to 0.0
void SetFROTemp(float FRO); // Temporarily change from current to the specified FRO using a nominal rate, override FeedHold, don't save as LastFRO
void SetFROwRate(float FRO, float DecelTime); // change from current to the specified FRO (FRO=1.0=Realtime)using a rate based on caller specified time to change from 1.0 to 0.0
void SetRapidFROwRate(float FRO, float DecelTime); // change from current to the specified Rapid FRO (FRO=1.0=Realtime)using a rate based on caller specified time to change from 1.0 to 0.0
void SetFROwRateTemp(float FRO, float DecelTime); //  Temporarily change from current to the specified FRO using a rate based on caller specified time, override FeedHold, don't save as LastFRO
extern float CS0_LastFRO;         // Last Desired FRO (used for Resume after FeedHold or for changes in FRO while in FeedHold)
extern float CS0_LastRapidFRO;      // Last Desired FRO (used for Resume after FeedHold during Rapid)

// Called after adding something to the Cood Motion Buffer.  Increments the Coord Motion Buffer pointer
// while keeping track of how much time is currently in the buffer (CS0_TimeDownloaded), also how much
// was over written due to buffer wrapping (CS0_TimeLost) to be able to determine the extent that it is
// possible to reverse, and keep the buffer terminated with TRAJECTORY_OFF
void IncParametricIndex(void);

#define MAX_TRIP 20  // max trip states for individual axis moves
extern TRIP_COEFF TripCoeffs[N_CHANNELS][MAX_TRIP];  // Trip Coeff lists for each channel

// Limit Switch Options

// Bit 0 1=Stop Motor on Neg Limit, 0=Ignore Neg limit
// Bit 1 1=Stop Motor on Pos Limit, 0=Ignore Pos limit
// Bit 2 Neg Limit Polarity 0=stop on high, 1=stop on low
// Bit 3 Pos Limit Polarity 0=stop on high, 1=stop on low
// Bits 4-7 Action - 0 Kill Motor Drive
//                   1 Disallow drive in direction of limit
//                   2 Stop movement
// Bit 8=use Extended Limit Bit Numbers (LimitNegSwitchBit,LimitPosSwitchBit)
// (for legacy support allow packed 8-bit numbers)
// Bits 16-23 Neg Limit I/O Bit number
// Bits 24-31 Pos Limit I/O Bit number

//  M A I N   S T R U C T U R E   T H A T   D E F I N E S   A N   A X I S

typedef struct
    int ChanNumber;                 // channel number 0-3
    int Enable;                     // enables feedback
    int InputMode;                  // sets position input mode (See Axis Input Modes)
    int OutputMode;     // sets servo/motor mode    (See Axis Output Modes)
    int LimitSwitchOptions;         // see above for description
    int LimitSwitchNegBit;   // Neg Limit I/O Bit number
    int LimitSwitchPosBit;   // Pos Limit I/O Bit number
 int MasterAxis;     // -1 if none, else master axis channel to slave to
 double SlaveGain;    // Multiplicative Factor for slave motion
    double MaxFollowingError;       // Kill motor if error exceeds this value
    double LastFollowingError;      // Last Measured Following Error
    double t;                       // current time in secs within the trip state
    double Dest;                    // current dest position for servo
 double UnfilteredDest;   // unfiltered current dest position for servo (before CM smoothing)
    double DestOffset;              // Additional offset to position (used by Injection)
    float Vel;                      // max velocity for the move trajectory
    float Accel;                    // max Acceleration for the move trajectory
    float Jerk;                     // max Jerk (rate of change of Accel) for the move
    float FFAccel;                  // Acceleration feed forward
    float FFVel;                    // Velocity feed forward
    double Position;                // encoder, ADC, Resolver, reading
    double invDistPerCycle;         // for stepper distance for one complete cycle (4 full steps)
                                    // for brushless 3-4 phase encoder counts for one complete cycle
                                    // (saved as reciprical for speed)     
    float StepperAmplitude;         // Microstepper Amplitude in PWM counts to apply (moving slow, without lead comp)
    float Output;                   // Value output to PWM or DAC or CL Stepper offset
    float prev_output;              // previous Output so Slave can track Master when in CL Stepper
    float Lead;                     // Lead compensation to correct for step motor inductance
    TRIP_COEFF *pcoeff;             // pointer to coeff that interrupt routine uses, NULL if done
    double last_position;           // last measured error
    double last_dest;               // last destination from beginning of prev servo interrupt
 double prev_dest;    // prev destination from end of prev servo interrupt (will incl User changes to Dest)
 int LastNonZeroDir;    // Last direction we actually moved some amount(+1=Positive, 0=undefined, -1=negative)
 int DirectionOfMotion;   // Dest change was in this direction (+1=Positive, 0=none, -1=negative)
 float last_vel;                 // last destination velocity
    float x1last,x2last;            // used with lead compensation
    int   OutputChan0,OutputChan1;  // pwm or DAC channels to use    
    int   InputChan0,InputChan1;    // Encoder or ADC channels to use
    float InputOffset0,InputGain0;  // offsets and gains for Resolver Input 0,1 (x'=ax+b)
    float InputOffset1,InputGain1;  //   or for ADC, or (InputGain0=-1 reverses encoder)
 float OutputGain;    // Scale or Reverse Output Magnitude or Direction
 float OutputOffset;    // Offset the output
    float CommutationOffset;        // 3 or 4 phase commutation offset, PhaseA = sin((Position+CommutationOffset)*invDistPerCycle)
    float last_theta;               // last resolver theta reading
    float theta_correction;         // resolver correction offset to correct for nonlinearities
    signed char last_enc;           // last fpga encoder reading
    float P,I,D;                    // pid gain values
    float MaxI;                     // max integrator windup
    float MaxErr;                   // error saturates at this value
    float integrator;               // current integrator vlue
    float MaxOutput;                // max allowed servo output
    float DeadBandRange;            // Range about zero where gain change occurs
    float DeadBandGain;             // Additional gain within DeadBand Range
 int LastMotionType;    // Type of last move - used in Immediate Stop/Resume
 double LastMotionDest;   // Where last move was to go - used in Immediate Stop/Resume
 float ExpMotionVc;    // Velocity point on exp curve where Max Accel is obtained
 float ExpMotionXc;    // Distance point on exponential curve where Max Accel is obtained
 float SoftLimitNeg;    // Negative Soft Limit (counts)
 float SoftLimitPos;    // Positive Soft Limit (counts)
 int BacklashMode;    // Type of correction:  Currently only BACKLASH_OFF, BACKLASH_LINEAR
 float BacklashAmount;   // Amount of Backlash to be applied
 float BacklashRate;    // Rate Backlash shoule be applied, counts/sec
 int BacklashDirection;   // Last non zero direction moved
 float PrevBacklashDest;   // Prev Destination where backlash was determined to allow small hysteresis
 float Backlash;     // current amount of compensation being applied

    TRIP_COEFF *c;                // move profile polynomial coefficients list (up tp MAX_TRIP)
    IIR iir[N_IIR_FILTERS];         // several IIR filters

// continuously sent by DMA to DACs
extern short int DAC_Buffer[N_DACS];   //  format    12 bits data
#define DAC(ch, v) DAC_Buffer[ch]=((v-2048)&0xfff)  // set DAC channel to value (range -2048/+2047)

extern int ADC_BufferIn[N_ADCS];     //  format   12 bits data
#define ADC(ch) (ADC_BufferIn[ch]-2048)   // return ADC reading of specified channel (range -2048/2047)extern int ADC_BufferIn[N_ADCS];     //  format   4-dummy bits 12 bits data 16 dummy

extern int ADC_BufferInSnap[2*N_ADCS_SNAP];   //  Snap Amp Current ADC format  16-bits data

  1. define FULL_RANGE_CURRENT 4.85f
    #define MeasuredAxisAmps(axis) ((ADC(axis+4)+2048)*(FULL_RANGE_CURRENT/4096.0f))  // returns measured current in an axis (Amperes)

// On board Power Amp PWM control

  1. define MAX_PWMR_VALUE 400  // Max value for PWMs in Recirculate mode
    void WritePWMR(int ch, int v);  // Write to PWM - Recirculate mode (+ or - power then shorted)
    #define MAX_PWM_VALUE 230  // Max value for PWMs in antiphase mode
    void WritePWM(int ch, int v);   // Write to PWM - locked anti-phase mode (+ power then - power)
  1. define MAX_PWMC_VALUE 1000  // Max value for PWMs in Current Mode (SnapAmps only)
    void WritePWMC(int ch, int v);  // Write to PWM - Current Loop mode - Always optimal decay

extern int SnapAmpPresent;         // 1 = SnapAmp Present 0= Not Present
extern int DisableSnapAmpDetectOnBoot;  // disables using Bits 12,13, and 15 on JP7 detect AutoDetect SnapAmps
void WriteSnapAmp(int add, int data);  // write a 16-bit word directly to SnapAmp FPGA
int ReadSnapAmp(int add);     // read a 16-bit word directly from SnapAmp FPGA

// Digital I/O bit PWM control (8 I/O bits on KFlop JP6 may be pulsed)

  1. define N_IO_PWMS 8    // Number of pwms that may be assigned to GPIO bits  
    #define IO_PWMS 0xD0     // FPGA offset to IO PWM registers (2 bytes each - value, enable(bit0))
    #define IO_PWMS_PRESCALE 0x2f   // FPGA offset to IO PWM Pre-Scale clock divider 0-255, 0 = 16.6MHz, 1=8.33MHz, ...
    #define IO_PWM_MAX_VALUE 255    // 0 = 0%, 255 = 100 % duty cycle

// addr to r/w encoder noise rejection filter value (0..255),
// Bit8 switches Encoders Ch4-7 from JP5 to JP6,
// Bit9 switches Encoders Ch0-3 from JP7 to JP4
#define ENC_NOISE_FILTER_ADD  0x05  
#define ENC_0_3_JP4 0x200
#define ENC_4_7_JP6 0x100
#define ENC_NOISE_FILTER_DEFAULT_VAL 7 // noise rejection filter default value (100MHz/3/7/2 = 2MHz)

#define ENC_NOISE_ERR_ADD 0x08  // encoder sudden change by 2 error address
#define ENC_NOISE_ERR_BIT0 4  // encoder sudden change by 2 error bit for encoder 0
#define ENC_NOISE_ERR_BIT1 5  // encoder sudden change by 2 error bit for encoder 1
#define ENC_NOISE_ERR_BIT2 6  // encoder sudden change by 2 error bit for encoder 2
#define ENC_NOISE_ERR_BIT3 7  // encoder sudden change by 2 error bit for encoder 3

// FPGA Step and Direction Frequency Generators (8) are available
#define NSTEPDIR 8

// address of 6 bit pulse length 0-63= # 16.666MHz clocks,
// bit6 muxes generators 0-3 from JP7 to JP4 and JP6,
// bit7 reverses polarity (0=pulses low & Pos Dir high, 1=pulses high & Pos Dir Low)

  1. define STEP_PULSE_LENGTH_DEFAULT 32 // default pulse length of ~ 2us
  1. define STEP_RATE_ADD 0x3c // write a 32 bit word - Bit31=enable, Bit27=Drive, Bits24-26=chan, 0-23= signed fraction of 16.666MHz
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD0 0x40 // read a 16 bit word - step count0 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD1 0x42 // read a 16 bit word - step count1 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD2 0x44 // read a 16 bit word - step count2 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD3 0x46 // read a 16 bit word - step count3 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD4 0x48 // read a 16 bit word - step count4 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD5 0x4a // read a 16 bit word - step count5 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD6 0x4c // read a 16 bit word - step count6 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction
    #define STEP_POSITION_ADD7 0x4e // read a 16 bit word - step count7 - 9 bits signed position and 7 bits of fraction

extern int KanalogPresent;     // 1=Kanalog Present
extern int DisableKanalogDetectOnBoot;  // disables using Bits 16-20 and 23 on JP4 to detect AutoDetect Kanalog

extern int KStepPresent;       // 1=KStep Present - set this to mux inputs into virtual bits 48-63

// Kanalog FPGA Registers for internal use only
#define KAN_TRIG_REG 0xA0  // triggers a transfer to/from Kanalog, 1-enables Kanalog, 2-enables RS232, 3-both
#define KAN_DAC_REGS 0x80    // 8 - 12 bit r/w regs
#define KAN_FET_OPTO 0x88    // 1 - 16 bit 15-8 FET drivers, 7-0 Opto Outputs
#define KAN_GPOUT    0x89    // 1 - 8 bit   7-0 GP 3.3V OUTPUTS
#define KAN_ADC_REGS 0x90    // 8 - 12 bit r/w regs
#define KAN_OPTOIN_GPIN 0x98   // 1 - 16 bit 15-8 OptoInputs, 7-0 GP 3.3V inputs

// Kanalog IO Bit numbers
#define KAN_INPUTS 128   // 16 Bits 128-143 (128-135 GPIN, 136-143 Opto in)
#define KAN_NINPUTS 16   // 16 Input Bits
#define KAN_OUTPUTS 144   // 24 Bits 144-167 (144-151 Opto out, 152-159 FET/Relay Drivers, 160-167 GPOUT)
#define KAN_NOUTPUTS 24   // 24 output Bits

// 3 Phase manual control. Angle is specified in cycles.
// cycles is a double precision value an may be a very
// large number.  Only the fractional part will be used. 
#define MAXV 230.0f // Max allowed 3 phase vector (512/2/sin(60) - EOFF*4)
void Write3PH(CHAN *ch0, float v, double angle_in_cycles); // put a voltage v on a 3 Phase motor at specified commutation angle
void Write4PH(CHAN *ch0, float v, double angle_in_cycles); // put a voltage v on a 4 Phase motor at specified commutation angle

extern int LastPWM[N_PWMS+2*N_PWMS_SNAP];    // +/- 255 counts

int ReadADC(int ch);           // User Programs should use ADC() command instead
void WriteDAC(int ch, int v);  // User Programs should use DAC() command instead

//  S P I N D L E   A N D   T H R E A D I N G   S U P P O R T

// main Spindle data structure which maintains Spindle
// Position Info and threading control

typedef struct
 double Position;   // position in revs
 double StartPosition;  // position in revs to begin threading
 double LastUpdatePosition; // last position in revs where speed was computed
 double RevsPerCount;  // inverse of counts/rev
 double UpdateTick;   // which servo tic we should calc RPM
 double DeltaTicks;   // # Servo tics between speed measurement
 double AdjTimeFilt;   // Lead Adjusted, filtered, time
 double LastCSTime;   // Previous Coordinate System Time
 double *pEncoderPos;  // pointer to Spindle Position
 double K;     // Tau low pass filter coefficient
 float TrueSpeedRPS;   // last measured speed
 float InvBaseSpeedRPS;  // Reciprocal of Base speed of which trajectory was planned
 double InvBaseSpeedRPSK1; // InvBaseSpeedRPS * (1-K)
 float InvUpdateTime;  // Reciprocal of update time to avoid division
 float Tau;     // Time constant for spindle filtering
 int Type;     // Type=0 None, Type=1 uses encoder to measure spindle position
 int ThreadingActive;  // True when threading is in progress


extern SPINDLE Spindle;

void ConfigureSpindle(int Type, int Axis, float UpdateTimeSecs, float Tau, float CountsPerRev);  // configures for type of Spindle feedback
void TrigThreading(float BaseSpeedRPS); // triggers threading coordinated motion, BaseSpeed is the ideal Spindle speed thatthe motion was planned for

//  T I M E   F U N C T I O N S

double Time_sec();// returns total time since power up in seconds

void WaitUntil(double time_sec);// wait until a specified time

void Delay_sec(double sec);// Delay time in seconds

// (returns current time)
double WaitNextTimeSlice(void);// wait until a thread's new time slice begins

  1. define TIMER0  (*(volatile int *)0x42000010) // 32 bit raw hardware timer counts at CLOCKFREQ (see PC_DSP.h) 

extern volatile double ServoTick;         // increments each servo interrupt
extern volatile unsigned int LastTimer0;  // Last timer value when the ServoTick was incremented

extern CHAN chan[N_CHANNELS];   // the axes channel related structures
extern CHAN *ch0;               // global pointer to axis 0
extern CHAN *ch1;               // global pointer to axis 1
extern CHAN *ch2;               // global pointer to axis 2
extern CHAN *ch3;               // global pointer to axis 3
extern CHAN *ch4;               // global pointer to axis 4
extern CHAN *ch5;               // global pointer to axis 5
extern CHAN *ch6;               // global pointer to axis 6
extern CHAN *ch7;               // global pointer to axis 7

// This status contains the majority of all status
// so that it can be uploaded as a bulk transfer
extern MAIN_STATUS MainStatus;

void DisableAxis(int ch); // Disable the Axis, Servo output is set to zero

void EnableAxisDest(int ch, double Dest); // enable the Axis and set the destination

void EnableAxis(int ch); // enable the Axis at the current encoder position

// do this before enabling servo or when
// filter coefficients change
void ResetFilters(int ch); // Resets Filter history to known state

void Zero(int ch);  // Zero the Encoder Position and Current Commanded Position

// Basic motion commands to move one axis
void Move(int ch, double x);   // move using absolute coordinates
void MoveAtVel(int chno, double x, float MaxVel);        // move using absolute coordinates and specify the velocity
void MoveRel(int ch, double dx);    // move relative to current destination
void MoveRelAtVel(int chno, double x, float MaxVel);        //  move relative to current destinatio and specify the velocity
void Jog(int ch, double vel);       // move continiously at specified velocity
void MoveExp(int chno, double x, double Tau);  // exponentially approach a target at time constant Tau

int CheckDone(int ch);  // returns 1 if axis is Done, 0 if not, -1 if axis is disabled

// Basic motion commands to move 3 axes
void MoveXYZABC(double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c); // Moves 6 axes (each axis moves independently)
int CheckDoneXYZABC(); // Check if all CS axis have completed , returns 1 if all complete, -1 if any is disabled, otherwise 0

int CheckDoneBuf();   // returns 1 if Done, 0 if not, -1 if any axis in CS disabled
int CheckDoneGather();
void StartMove(int ch);

void SetupForMove(double From, double To, float MaxVel, CHAN *ch, int CoeffOffset,
                                                  int NoJerkControlAtStart,
                                                  int NoJerkControlAtEnd,
                                                  int Start,
              int *Nstates);
void SetupForMotionPause(double x,CHAN *ch,int CoeffOffset, double time);  // stay still                                                  

// coordinate systems #0 - axis definitions
extern int CS0_axis_x; // Axis channel number to use as x
extern int CS0_axis_y; // Axis channel number to use as y 
extern int CS0_axis_z; // Axis channel number to use as z 
extern int CS0_axis_a; // Axis channel number to use as a 
extern int CS0_axis_b; // Axis channel number to use as b 
extern int CS0_axis_c; // Axis channel number to use as c 
extern int CS0_axis_u; // Axis channel number to use as u 
extern int CS0_axis_v; // Axis channel number to use as v 

void DefineCoordSystem(int axisx, int axisy, int axisz, int axisa); // define axis chan numbers to use as x,y,z,a (set -1 to disable)
void DefineCoordSystem6(int axisx, int axisy, int axisz, int axisa, int axisb, int axisc); // define axis chan numbers to use as x,y,z,a,b,c (set -1 to disable)
void DefineCoordSystem8(int axisx, int axisy, int axisz, int axisa, int axisb, int axisc, int axisu, int axisv); // define axis chan numbers to use as x,y,z,a,b,c,u,v (set -1 to disable)

// A Low Pass filter can be applied to all 8 axes of coordinated motion
// by setting the KLP coefficient.  To compute an appropriate coefficient
// from a time constant Tau in seconds use KLP = exp(-TIMEBASE/Tau);
extern double KLP;  // coordinated motion low pass filter coefficient

// TauKLP = -TIMEBASE/log(KLP);  automatically computed by ExecBuf command
extern float TauKLP;      // "smoothing" related time constant used for End Motion

extern float SplineTauFactor;  // Final Spline motion to target will have a time duration of this number of TauKLP (defaults to 2)

// Stop profile generation
// which will stop updating (freeze) the destination
// new commands can then be placed into the queue

void StopMotion(CHAN *ch);

// put a trajectory off into the queue
void SetupForMotionEnd(CHAN *ch, int CoeffOffset) ;

// Digital I/O Functions
#define BIT_SET  0x100      // rel address in FPGA where bit set ports reside
#define BIT_CLR  0x110      // rel address in FPGA where bit clear ports reside
#define BIT_DIR  0x120      // rel address in FPGA where bit Direction ports reside
#define BIT_READ 0x130      // rel address in FPGA where bit read ports reside

// Fixed I/O bit definitions

  1. define LED0 46  // KFLOP LED #0 bit number
    #define LED1 47  // KFLOP LED #1 bit number

// Virtual I/O bits
extern int VirtualBits;     // Virtual I/O bits simulated in memory, use SetBit/ClearBit/SetStateBit(32-63 to reference)

// Virtual I/O bits Extended 1024-2047
extern int VirtualBitsEx[N_VIRTUAL_BITS_EX/32]; // 1024 Expanded Virtual Bits (1024-2047)

extern int BitDirShadow[2];   // direction of all 64 I/O bits
extern int BitDirShadowSnap0;   // direction of 14 Snap Amp, 1st board, I/O bits
extern int BitDirShadowSnap1;   // direction of 14 Snap Amp, 2nd board, I/O bits

void SetBitDirection(int bit, int dir); // define bit as input (0) or output (1)
int GetBitDirection(int bit);           // returns whether bit is defined as input (0) or output (1)
void SetBit(int bit);                   // set a bit high (bit must be defined as an output, see SetBitDirection)
void ClearBit(int bit);                 // set a bit low (bit must be defined as an output, see SetBitDirection)
void SetStateBit(int bit, int state);   // set a bit high or low (bit must be defined as an output, see SetBitDirection)
int ReadBit(int bit);                   // read the state of an I/O bit

// Non volatile Flash functions

  1. define FLASH ((volatile char *)0x90000000)  // beginning of FLASH - first 1MByte is for System Use
    #define FLASH_USER ((volatile char *)0x90100000)  // 2nd MegByte is for User use
    #define FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE (0x10000)  // FLASH erases in 64KByte Blocks
    #define IRAM  ((volatile char *)0x10000000)
    #define SDRAM ((volatile char *)0x80000000)
    int ProgramFlash(volatile char *src, int Length, volatile char *dest, char *message);  //Programs Flash source address of data, length in 16-bit words, dest add must be on 64KByte block, optional \n terminated message
    void SetFlashBank(volatile unsigned short *add);  // sets the currently addressable flash bank (address bits 14-19)

// Example:
// Configure KFLOP to service Konnect 32 Input 16 output IO board
// Board address is 0,
// 16 Outputs are mapped to Virtual IO 48-63 (VirtualBits)
// 32 Inputs are mapped to Virtual IO 1024-1055 (VirtualBits[0])
//  InitAux();
//  AddKonnect(0,&VirtualBits,VirtualBitsEx);

void InitAux(void);  // Initialize the AUX Port KFLOP JP4 or JP6 and clear list of board to be serviced (only one Aux Port may be used at a time)

// Board address, address of 32-bit into to get the Output Bits (in low 16 bits), address of where to put 32 Inputs
void AddKonnect(int BoardAddress, int *OutputAddress, int *InputAddress);  // add a Konnect Board to list of AUX1 Port Boards to be serviced

// Board address, address of 32-bit into to get the Output Bits (in low 16 bits), address of where to put 32 Inputs
void AddKonnect_Aux0(int BoardAddress, int *OutputAddress, int *InputAddress); // add a Konnect Board to list of AUX0 Port Boards to be serviced

// User Print Routines
// sends a string to the user console of the KMotion
// application.  Because other threads may be sending
// characters, the strings are buffered in a queue
// and sent by the primary thread as soon as there
// is no PC input to process.  The string prepends
// an escape so the PC application knows for sure
// to send this to the Console window and not to
// process it as a response to a command that may
// be in the pipeline.
// normally the routine exits to the caller quickly
// unless the queue is full, then it must wait

  1. define MAX_STRING 128                   
    #define MAX_NSTRINGS 256  // must be binary   

// Note: standard C language printf

int printf(const char *format, ...);       // Print formatted string to console
int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...);  // Print formatted string to string

typedef int FILE;
FILE *fopen(const char*, const char*);     // Open a text file for writing on the PC (2nd param = "rt" or "wt")
int fprintf(FILE *f, const char * format, ...);     // Print formatted string to the PC's Disk File
int fclose(FILE *f);                           // Close the disk file on the PC

int Print(char *s);                        // Print a string to the console window
int PrintFloat(char *Format, double v);    // Print a double using printf format, ex "%8.3f\n"
int PrintInt(char *Format, int v);         // Print an integer using printf format, ex "result=%4d\n"
int sscanf(const char *_str, const char *_fmt, ...); //scan string and convert to values

  1. define MAX_READ_DISK_LENGTH 1024 // max allowed length of disk file line length
    extern volatile int read_disk_buffer_status; //status of read disk buffer 1=line available, 2=error, 3=eof
    extern char read_disk_buffer[MAX_READ_DISK_LENGTH+1];
    char *fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *file); //read string from PC disk file, str=buffer, n=buffer length, f=FILE pointer, returns NULL on error
    int fscanf(FILE *f, const char *format, ...); //read sting from PC Disk file, convert values, returns number of items converted
    int feof(FILE *f);   // End of file status for disk reading

 * MessageBox() Flags thes can be passed to the PC to invoke MessageBoxes
 *              for some applications such as KMotionCNC which monitor upload
 *              status and present message boxes when requested.  See the pc-dsp.h
 *              header for more information
#define MB_OK                       0x00000000L
#define MB_OKCANCEL                 0x00000001L
#define MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE         0x00000002L
#define MB_YESNOCANCEL              0x00000003L
#define MB_YESNO                    0x00000004L
#define MB_RETRYCANCEL              0x00000005L
#define MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE        0x00000006L
#define MB_ICONHAND                 0x00000010L
#define MB_ICONQUESTION             0x00000020L
#define MB_ICONEXCLAMATION          0x00000030L
#define MB_ICONASTERISK             0x00000040L
#define MB_APPLMODAL                0x00000000L
#define MB_SYSTEMMODAL              0x00001000L
#define MB_TASKMODAL                0x00002000L
#define MB_NOFOCUS                  0x00008000L
#define MB_SETFOREGROUND            0x00010000L
#define MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY     0x00020000L
#define MB_TOPMOST                  0x00040000L
#define MB_RIGHT                    0x00080000L

 * Dialog Box Command IDs
#define IDOK                1
#define IDCANCEL            2
#define IDABORT             3
#define IDRETRY             4
#define IDIGNORE            5
#define IDYES               6
#define IDNO                7

// Misc routines

void DoResolverInput2(CHAN *chx, float x, float y);  // optimized routine to handle sin/cosine resolver input

extern double ResolverFactor; // defaults to 1000.0/TWO_PI converts sine/cosine angle to reported Position

// M U L T I - T H R E A D   S U P P O R T

// user threads are numbered 1 .. n

void StartThread(int thread);  // starts a downloaded program at it's entry point
void PauseThread(int thread);  // stops a thread from executing
int ResumeThread(int thread);  // resumes a tread after a pause
void ThreadDone(void);         // call to terminate current thread
extern int CurrentThread;      // current thread that is/was executing  0 = Pri 1-7 = User Threads

// A User Program Call Back can be defined to be called every Servo Sample
// Set to Non-NULL for the the Callback to be made.  The Callback Routine
// must return with a few micro seconds or the system may become unstable
typedef void USERCALLBACK(void);
extern USERCALLBACK *UserCallBack;

// used to allow mutual exclusive access to a resource
// (waits until resource is available, then locks it)
// if the thread that locked it is no longer active,
// release the lock

void MutexLock(int *mutex);
void MutexUnlock(int *mutex);

// These routines are written in assembly such that
// they are atomic and are un-interruptible by using
// instructions in delayed branching

void AtomicSet(int *p, int mask);
// *p = *p | mask;

void AtomicClear(int *p, int mask);
// *p = *p & mask;

// test a location and if zero, set
// to value.  returns the original
// value.  routine is atomic

int TestAndSet(int *mutex, int value);
// register result = *mutex;
// if (result==0) *mutex=value;
// return result;

// S N A P   A M P   D E F I N I T I O N S

  1. define KM_SNAP_READ_LOW 0xc
    #define KM_SNAP_READ_HI  0xd
    #define KM_SNAP_READ_EXCEPTION 0x10
    #define KM_SNAP_CLK_ENA 0x09
    #define KM_SNAP_SHIFT_BYTE 0x0a
    #define KM_SNAP_WRITE_HIGH_TRIG 0x0b
    #define KM_SNAP_READ_ADD_TRIG 0x0c
    #define KM_SNAP_READ_ADD_BITMAP 0x28
    // FPGA Registers
  1. define SNAP0 0x40  // Base Addresse SNAP AMP #0
    #define SNAP1 0x60  // Base Addresse SNAP AMP #1 

// write addresses

  1. define SNAP_PWMS 0      // (4) 16 bit PWMs
    #define SNAP_CLR_ENC_ERRS 8   // any write clears all encoder errors
    #define SNAP_CUR_LOOP_GAINS 9  // (4) 8 bit Current Loop Gains Default=16
    #define SNAP_SET_BIT 17    // (14) GPIO bits
    #define SNAP_CLR_BIT 18    // (14) GPIO bits
    #define SNAP_DIR_BIT 19    // (14) GPIO bits
    #define SNAP_SUPPLY_CLAMP0 20  // 16 bit power supply clamp setting side A
    #define SNAP_SUPPLY_CLAMP_ENA0 21 // 1 bit power supply clamp enable side A
    #define SNAP_SUPPLY_CLAMP1 22  // 16 bit power supply clamp setting side B
    #define SNAP_SUPPLY_CLAMP_ENA1 23 // 1 bit power supply clamp enable side B
    #define SNAP_PEAK_CUR_LIMIT0 24  // 4 bits peak current limit side A
    #define SNAP_PEAK_CUR_LIMIT1 25  // 4 bits peak current limit side B

// read addresses

  1. define SNAP_PWMS 0      // (4) 16 bit PWMs
    #define SNAP_ENC 8       // (4) 16 bit Encoders (bit15=error 7-0=data)
    #define SNAP_CURRENT_A0 12   // Measured Current Side A Lead A (14bits)
    #define SNAP_CURRENT_C0 13   // Measured Current Side A Lead C
    #define SNAP_CURRENT_A1 14   // Measured Current Side B Lead A
    #define SNAP_CURRENT_C1 15   // Measured Current Side B Lead C
    #define SNAP_DIFF_IN 16     // 16 bits (15-8= Diff inputs 7-0=encoder inputs)
    #define SNAP_IN_BIT 17    // (14) GPIO bits
    #define SNAP_SUPPLY_VOLT0 22  // Measured Supply Voltage Side A
    #define SNAP_SUPPLY_VOLT1 23  // Measured Supply Voltage Side B
    #define SNAP_TEMP0 24    // Measured Temperature Side A
    #define SNAP_TEMP1 25    // Measured Temperature Side B
    #define SNAP_STATUS 30    // Status (FAN,OverTemp1,OverTemp0,OVER_CUR1,OVER_CUR0,Fault)
    #define SNAP_RESET 31    // Reset

//RS232 FPGA Register Definitions

  1. define RS232_STATUS 0xc1  // Status Reg Address
    #define RS232_DATA 0xc0   // 8 bit data read/write reg address
    #define RS232_DATA_READY 0x01 // Data ready to read status mask
    #define RS232_TRANSMIT_FULL 0x02// Transmit buffer full status mask
  1. define RS232_BAUD_REG 0xc1 // Set Baud rate 8-bit divisor Reg Address
    #define RS232_BAUD_115200  ((16666666/115200/16)-1)// 8-bit divisor value to set 115200 baud
    #define RS232_BAUD_57600  ((16666666/57600/16)-1) // 8-bit divisor value to set  57600 baud
    #define RS232_BAUD_38400  ((16666666/38400/16)-1) // 8-bit divisor value to set  38400 baud
    #define RS232_BAUD_19200  ((16666666/19200/16)-1) // 8-bit divisor value to set  19200 baud
    #define RS232_BAUD_9600  ((16666666/9600/16)-1) // 8-bit divisor value to set   9600 baud
    #define RS232_BAUD_4800  ((16666666/4800/16)-1) // 8-bit divisor value to set   4800 baud

void InitRS232(int baud);
void EnableRS232Cmds(int baud);

extern char * volatile pRS232RecIn;  // Buffered Receive Pointer Head
extern char *pRS232RecOut;           // Buffered Receive Pointer Tail
extern char *pRS232TxIn;             // Buffered Transmit Pointer Head
extern char * volatile pRS232TxOut;  // Buffered Transmit Pointer Tail
extern int DoRS232Cmds;              // Enables/disables KFLOP Command processor to/from RS232

char RS232_GetChar(void);   // Get Internally Buffered (1000 chars) RS232 received Data
void RS232_PutChar(char c); // Put Internally Buffered (1000 chars) RS232 transmit Data

  1. endif