How can I start up???

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How can I start up???

Post by cnytbsk » Sun Mar 24, 2019 1:20 pm

Hello Dynomotion team ;

I am writing forum turkey istanbul.
I am a new user. I getted Klof board. I don t Know Where can I startup.
I have two project.
1. CNC milling 4 axis and tool change 24tool. ( retrofit First brand cnc milling machine) (Taiwan Brand)
2. CNC lathe c axis and turret tool change 12 station ( Retrofit Traunb Tnd 400 C axis cnc lathe) (German Brand)

I would work first cnc milling machine.
I want to ask more general question.

1. Kflop board can connect plc with rs 232 or Rs485 More input for automation.??
2. How can I more button input on control panel??. ( for example start stop mdı single block light coolled auto hand whell)
3. I dont know to C program how can I made my custom automation??
4. How can I to enter encoder feed back from servo drive??. ( Closed loop)
5. Kflop board can work without pc? independent controller??.

Best regard.

I hope I haven't opened the subject in the wrong place
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by TomKerekes » Sun Mar 24, 2019 5:08 pm

Hi cnytbsk,
1. Kflop board can connect plc with rs 232 or Rs485 More input for automation.??
That is possible. KFLOP itself has a 3.3V UART. See here for more information. Also see the examples in the \C Programs\RS232\ folder.

It would be simpler to add more Inputs using one or more of our Konnect Boards.
2. How can I more button input on control panel??. ( for example start stop mdı single block light coolled auto hand whell)
See the ExternalButtons.c example. For MPG see the wiki here.
3. I dont know to C program how can I made my custom automation??
You will need to learn C. You don't need to be an expert. See the section here on Programming in C. Also see here. See a Tool Changer Example here.
4. How can I to enter encoder feed back from servo drive??. ( Closed loop)
See here to determine what type of encoder signals you have.
5. Kflop board can work without pc? independent controller??.
KFLOP has some stand-alone capability, but basically no. If your application requires: Disk storage, Display, Keyboard, Mouse, GCode Interpreter, more complex Trajectory Planning, or Kinematics a PC is required.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by cnytbsk » Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:32 pm

Hello Mr Tom

I had to take a break for health reasons. I'm fine now. I ordered three cards. Kflop, Kanalog, Konnect. I only got the kflop card from customs. I did not get other two cards. I have a only kflop card now.

First of all, I can run the pulse direction servo motor drive with this card. ( Without Kanalog Boards)

Application of three axis milling. I installed kmotion on my computer.

I don't know how to use it?
Last edited by cnytbsk on Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by TomKerekes » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:23 pm

Hi cnytbsk,
First of all, I can run the pulse direction servo motor drive with this card. ( Without Kanalog Boards)
Most likely yes depending on the Step/Dir input voltage and timing specifications of your Drives. See here.
I don't know how to use it?
You will need to be more specific about what you don't know. You might watch this video and also the tutorial below. The overall steps are similar whether you have a KStep or other types of Step/Dir drives.

And the KStep Tutorial here.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by cnytbsk » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:34 pm

Hi tom

Many thank for fast reply.

I added Foto my board.
I will check all..
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by cnytbsk » Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:36 pm

I really didn't understand.
I'm going to try to understand or find someone to support me because it's incredibly complicated. maybe it's hard for the first time I met
If I don't find anybody, I'm gonna get back to you.
make a visual step by step and try it that way.
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by cnytbsk » Wed Sep 18, 2019 9:57 pm

Hello Tom.
I looking up to some one But I didn t find :(.
I disaded, ı will prepare drawing paper about my problem. Because I can find solve with basic drawing. English is not my native language and I understand visually
kmotion and board connected. Kmotion / Consel / Send / Send / Send / Send / Send / Send after I readed ready.
I will do easy connection on made table with basic stepper drive and motor for traning ( After I will use servo drive and motor / spindle motor)
I add external pc power. JR1 ( not J3 Dont use)
Wiring for Stepper motor.
JP 7 PN No: 16 DIR CH0
JP 7 PN No: 15 PUL CHO
JP 7 PN NO: 1 vcdd +3.3v (We need +5volt. Can I use PN NO:23 vcdd5v)

How can I wiring e stop ? and Kmotion side?

I don't have background on topic. thank for patience

BEst Regards..
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by TomKerekes » Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:29 am

Hi cnytbsk,
JP 7 PN NO: 1 vcdd +3.3v (We need +5volt. Can I use PN NO:23 vcdd5v)
Yes JP7 Pins 23 and 24 have +5V

How can I wiring e stop ? and Kmotion side?
There is no direct support for EStop. Its up to you to decided exactly what you would like to happen. Normally it is best to wire it externally in hardware. It can also be connected to any input and it can be monitored by a User C Program and perform any operation you desire. Below is the example called EStopDisablesAll.c which monitors Input Bit 180 and when active disables 3 axes.

Code: Select all

#include "KMotionDef.h"

// Watches for EStop Input and disables Axes when detected

	for (;;)  //loop forever

		// if ESTOP present disable any enabled Axis ??
#define ESTOP_BIT 180
		if (ReadBit(ESTOP_BIT))
			if (ch0->Enable) DisableAxis(0);  // axis still enabled?  - Disable it
			if (ch1->Enable) DisableAxis(1);  // axis still enabled?  - Disable it
			if (ch2->Enable) DisableAxis(2);  // axis still enabled?  - Disable it

Tom Kerekes
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by cnytbsk » Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:40 pm

Hi Tom.

I added my problem. I readed pdf. I m not connected Kflop. ( I try, 12 days not working )

I prepare owm 3 axis puls dir c program. ( for stepper motor).

I watched many time kstep KSTEP Introduction - (Getting Started with KSTEP Stepper Driver)

Where can write per step ( I realdy don t undertand that)? I know acceleration and velocity.

Thanks for e stop c program
// if ESTOP present disable any enabled Axis ??
#define ESTOP_BIT 180
if (ReadBit(ESTOP_BIT))

I dont understand
which connector suitable for it ? JP ?
PİN Number? (I don't understand how to map bit 180 to pin)
how it should wring?

Many thanks
Disconnected 2.jpg
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Re: How can I start up???

Post by TomKerekes » Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:56 pm

I added my problem. I readed pdf. I m not connected Kflop. ( I try, 12 days not working )
I don't understand what you are doing or showing. It seems communication is working and you have V4.34. So I don't understand what problem you are trying to solve. When you reboot KFLOP it is normal to lose communication. You should not need the Serial COM Port Driver.

Where can write per step ( I realdy don t undertand that)? I know acceleration and velocity.
I don't understand the question. You can set the axis resolution of counts/inch in KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | Trajectory Planner | Axis Parameters. Note for a stepper system counts=steps.

Thanks for e stop c program
// if ESTOP present disable any enabled Axis ??
#define ESTOP_BIT 180
if (ReadBit(ESTOP_BIT))

I dont understand
which connector suitable for it ? JP ?
PİN Number? (I don't understand how to map bit 180 to pin)
how it should wring?
Bit 180 is on KStep. I don't think you have a KStep. If you only have a KFLOP then you must interface to a KFLOP 3.3V input. It is up to you to know basic electronics. One possibility is to switch a KFLOP Input with a pull down resistor to 3.3V. For example KFLOP JP4 Pin 5. This would be IO BIt 16. See JP4 described here.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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