guidare dac con una variabile

Moderators: TomKerekes, dynomotion

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guidare dac con una variabile

Post by orion114 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:16 am

sono nuovo del forum e a digiuno di programmazione
ho restaurato una fresatrice bulleri beta 6 (2mx1m mandrino kw5) con kflop su kanalog, e grazie ai manuali dynomotion è andato tutto bene, la macchina funziona perfettamente.
adesso dovrei rifinire i dettagli e risolvere qualche problema.
non riesco a pilotare il dac del mandrino , devo avviarlo manualmente con dac (3, -2047) 30.000 giri, o simili tipo: dac(3,1023) per 15.000 giri ccw.
vorrei fare questa domanda: come posso fare per leggere il valore in IDC_SpindeRateEdit ed inserirlo in una variabile da usare in un programma c?
grazie anticipate

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Re: guidare dac con una variabile

Post by TomKerekes » Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:58 pm

Here is a Google Translation:
I'm new to the forum and fasting programming
I have restored a milling machine bulleri beta 6 (2mx1m spindle kw5) with kflop on kanalog, and thanks to the dynomotion manuals everything went well, the machine works perfectly.
now I should refine the details and solve some problems.
I can't manage the chuck dac, I have to start it manually with dac (3, -2047) 30,000 rpm, or similar type: dac (3.1023) for 15,000 rpm ccw.
I would like to ask this question: how can I read the value in IDC_SpindeRateEdit and insert it into a variable to use in a c program?
thanks in advance
Seems like the same problem from your other post. You probably haven't configured KMotionCNC to control your Spindle. There are several possible methods. Please read this. In order to control spindle direction (CW/CCW) with +/-10V analog signals you would need to configure an axis and configure a C Program to Jog the Axis as described here.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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