5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Moderators: TomKerekes, dynomotion

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:55 pm

Hi Tom, just got time to play with machine.
Running 4.34h.
Disabled forever loop with no change.
I do have C and Z DRO's active on my setup.
T2 offset is 6.175
attached latest int.C
The problem is very repeatable. I do not run any gcode. I am trying to
fine tune my Zero's in all axis on the machine so I just boot the int.c file.
and jog the machine in jog mode to set positions. The problem only shows up
when I curser with the step button on the Jog portion of Kmotion CNC. I load
G43.4 T2 in MDI mode. Then I Step jog (.010 increments)around with curser to set an axis position.
once I am at position I activate in MDI mode B90. This is when the axis has a stop start motion.
Once it completes first B90, I give it a B0 in MDI mode, it returns straight back to B0 without
problems. It works fine until I Curser Step mode in the Jog again. Will stop start rotation on first
move again after Step Jog.
Should I update to latest version?

5Axis router debug.c
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:54 pm

Hi George,

I see one thing. The slave is being added to the Coordinate System instead of the master for X. Not sure how that even works.

Please correct and see if anything changes. Then repost the corrected version. Also post your current GCodeConfigCNC.txt. And your Kinematic C++ files.

I doubt if updating would make a difference for something grossly wrong like this. But wouldn't hurt to try.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:53 pm

Hi Tom, the reason the machine works is I am running both X1 and X2 from the Ch1 singles. Had some issues with master slave so I tried running
both Tecnik motors from one signal and it works well. I was running Ch1 as the slave signal and ignored Ch0. I now disabled both Ch0 and Ch1 as master slave and Ch1 is running as its own Ch. This did make some difference and it seemed like the problem was solved. Unfortunately the problem snuck back in over time. I could run the jog signals with no problems for five , six time with no issues and then the gremlin would come back. I have attached files.
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(7.06 KiB) Downloaded 176 times
(22.49 KiB) Downloaded 182 times
5Axis Router Home.c
(4.13 KiB) Downloaded 179 times
5Axis router debug.c
(8.5 KiB) Downloaded 182 times

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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:06 am

Hi George,

Sorry still can't reproduce.

So before it was repeatable but not now?

Are you running in inch mode?
T2 offset is 6.175
Did you mean length? Did you mean H2 not T2?
and jog the machine in jog mode to set positions
which axes? What amount and direction? What do you do to "set positions"? Zero buttons?
Then I Step jog (.010 increments)around with curser to set an axis position
which axis?
I activate in MDI mode B90
I assume B was at 0? G1 or G0 mode? Feedrate?
It works fine until I Curser Step mode in the Jog again. Will stop start rotation on first
move again after Step Jog.
go you do a G49 in the mean time?

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:25 pm

Hi Tom, I will be away for a week. Will get back to you once I am back. I will get a video so you can see what I am talking about. All moves are G0 and H2 length is in inches.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:01 pm

HI Tom, that stop start problem is still there but I am getting around it for now. Just wondering
if you have some link that gives you a systematic way of physically zeroing out the rotary axis. I
have tried at least 10 times and there is always a direction that wonders of zero when running
in RTCP mode. Making 90 degree rotations and its great one direction and then when I move
to the opposite direction the zero shifts. Its to the point where I don't know what's up or down any more!


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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:10 pm

Hi George,

Sorry I don't really understand what you are saying.

What is off? The XYZ of the tool tip? Or the rotary axis?

If you move back to the same coordinates and the something physically is different that would indicate a loss of steps.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:28 pm

Hi Tom, the problem I am having is not a controls problem. Its the order in which a set the physical mechanical rotary axis up. What I mean by that
is the order in which I need to physically set z axis perpendicular to X,Y plane and then to make sure the rotary axis are collinear and concentric to the appropriate directions. I have designed in physical adjustment features to all the axis so it allows me to set the ideal positions of all the relative axis.
If for say, C not colinear to Z then my zero wonders off of zero once I rotate about z. I just thought you might know of a systematic way of going about
to achieve this. I get close but every time I do a final rotate C to verify zero, the axis rotates off zero by as much as .05". I would be happy with +- .005".

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:34 pm

Also, is there a way to rotate B and C with keyboard. The help talks about A but I am not using A.


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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:40 am

Regarding Jog Hot Keys. Yes you can assign them in the Screen Editor. All 3 Motion Buttons in a direction must be assigned the same key. You might remove the + and - hotkeys from A and assign them to B. Then assign some key such as numpad '/' and '*' to the C buttons.

Regarding calibration possibly something like below. If it works we might work on automating it with a probe:

Set/verify XYZ axes are orthogonal. Ie diagonals of rectangle are equal in all 3 planes

Set/Verify XYZ axes have proper scale. Ie commanded motion of L is physically L

Set/Verify XYZ axes are straight

Set/Verify C Rotation is parallel with Z axis


Set X=0 Y=0 B=90

Rotate C to -90, 0, and +90 and verify Tool tip is at same height

If same change from -90 to 0 as from 0 to 90 then rotation axis shifted in Y direction
If opposite change from -90 to 0 as from 0 to 90 then rotation axis shifted in X direction

Set/Verify B Axis Zero position


Set X=0 Y=0 C=0

Rotate B axis +90 and -90 and verify tool tip has the same height.

Set/Verify C Axis Zero position


Set X=0 Y=0 B=90

Rotate C axis +90 and -90 and verify tool tip has the same X position.

Set/Verify C Rotation Scale is correct


Set X=0 Y=0 B=90

Rotate C to -180 and +180 and verify tool tip Y position is same.

Set/Verify C Rotation axis is about X=0 Y=0

RTCP on (shouldn’t matter)

Set X=0 Y=0 B=0

Rotate C to -180, -90, 0 , +90. +180 and verify tool tip has no X movement

Set/Verify Tool Length is correct value


Set X=0 Y=0 B=90

Rotate C to 0 and +180 and verify tool tip has no X movement

Set/Verify B Rotation axis is parallel to Y axis


Set X=0 Y=0 C=0

Rotate B to -90, 0 , +90 and verify tool tip has no X or Y movement

If same change from -90 to 0 as from 0 to 90 then rotation axis shifted in X direction
If opposite change from -90 to 0 as from 0 to 90 then rotation axis shifted in Z direction

Set/Verify B Rotation Scale is correct


Set X=0 Y=0 C=0

Rotate B to 0 and +90 and verify tool tip X position is same.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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