Fawne Fadal, Unchained. (4020 Fadal Retrofit)

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Re: Fawne Fadal, Unchained. (4020 Fadal Retrofit)

Post by BattyZ » Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:48 pm

Retrofit work completed as of 6/21/24:

-Wired in Konnect inputs and outputs.
-Finished and tested the 8 relay-driven circuits(Kanalog).
-Need to look into why bit 153 (way lube pump) shuts off immediately.
-Rebuilt Bijur waylube pump, it is set to be on when the machine is on for now.
-Merged the Mcmurray70/Draask init file with Fawne's
-Commented out Overrides and MPG sections for now.
-Rewrote the spindle orientate code to work with the encoder lacking drive Fawne has
-Tested each part of toolchange independently
-Adjusted involved C programs to make machine only run on high belt always.
-Ran a successful tool change!!
-Adjusted toolchange parameters so it is not so aggresive
-Copied in and modified ToolTableSetRev1.c
-Got the fixture offsets working
-Tested offsets with toolsetter sitting ontop of cardboard box, then beer can, then vise, then table.
-Need to put physical buttons on spindle for clamp/unclamp.
-Need to setup Drewtronics Toolsetter with C Program to autoset tool offset.
-Programmed in buttons (on screen) for tool unclamp/clamp, and tool offset.
-Verified lubrication, reconnected hose for x axis ballscrew, put guards back on
-Started calibrated spindle speed

Getting close to running parts here!!!

Hoping to do so Sunday/Monday.

No pictures of the electrical cabinet because it is bad. Ordering channel, proper wire and wire labels to redo once I know what I want. Like prewiring 4th axis etc.

Are we limited to a certain number of buttons on screen?

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Re: Fawne Fadal, Unchained. (4020 Fadal Retrofit)

Post by TomKerekes » Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:01 am

Are we limited to a certain number of buttons on screen?
Besides the standard buttons currently there are:

Code: Select all

For more consider breaking to multiple screens.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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Re: Fawne Fadal, Unchained. (4020 Fadal Retrofit)

Post by BattyZ » Sat Jul 06, 2024 1:57 pm

We are up and machining!

I thought I had the orientate working but when we did our first tool change the tool changer tried to 'orientate' the spindle when it was still coming down from 5,000 RPM! Luckily just a smoked bearing and were back in business. This led me to finding out the persist variables were not carrying thru at all. Around midnight I was able to get it all sorted. I have a 1 to 7 second pause on the spindle for toolchanges depending on speed. Way overkill but it got me making parts.

The wiki was extremely helpful in understanding the ins and outs of the persist variables. I think most of my issue is that I was writing (0) to the variable instead of calling it. When you try to write to the same persist VAR from different spots at the same time it isn't happy.

After successful tool change we had a somewhat spindle crash. Was right there on the e-stop though. Found out we had double the tool length going on from post processor which is a 'dynomotion' one that was found deep on some forum. I swapped to just a plain 'EMC' post and it's working great. I have my tool's heights to offset immediately on swap and the first post added another height offset. Lesson learned.

First part was a subplate for an 8 inch 3 jaw. Went great! The speed is real nice. No drip feed is even nicer. Just click the green button.

After the first part I had a bunch of small steel parts that kept coming out offcenter by .030-.070 in the X. Eventually troubleshot this down to the coupler for the servo to the ballscrew. It had been replaced in the past but no keyways broached in! Lazy then but corrected now. Other 2 axis have original couplers so no issues there(yet).

One of the big advantages is the time savings. An op that has a ton of threadmilling and helical boring has been cut from 1 hr 15 mins to 27-28 mins! A drastic one-off case, I know. I could be tapping holes offline but why? Especially now!

One thing I really wanted to force myself to setup was the Drewtronics tool setter and an autoset program. Naturally, this didn't happen. HOWEVER, I did set up a button to set height offset once the tool is resting where it should be on my old tool setter. This in itself is so much faster. No menus, no hand calculations, no errors.

Oh, I've had the Bijur autolube pump on full time since I rebuilt it to test. When tearing into the X axis I had waylube all over the ballscrews/ways! Happy to see that.

Going forward the to do list is:

Timeslice base program for the autolube in the init file.
Spindle at-speed/at-zero programming/hardware.
Physical buttons on the spindle for clamp/umclamp.
4th axis.
Auto tool setting with the Drewtronics tool setter.
Spindle warmup that reports vibration sensor readings to shop's automation server.
Axis homing (via limit switches or Z pulse on encoders).
MPG Pendant.
Possible retune or check servo tuning now that ways are properly lubricated.

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Re: Fawne Fadal, Unchained. (4020 Fadal Retrofit)

Post by BattyZ » Sat Jul 06, 2024 4:32 pm

TomKerekes wrote:
Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:01 am

For more consider breaking to multiple screens.
To add to my list..dual monitor setup. The single monitor looks so lonely.

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Re: Fawne Fadal, Unchained. (4020 Fadal Retrofit)

Post by BattyZ » Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:34 pm

Been using the machine pretty regularly. Still only 2/3 way through the retrofit. I am really enjoying it. Two big additions coming up: 4th axis and automatic tool touch-off.

Purchased a pair of Tsudakoma rotaries off of eBay. One has a busted input shaft, the other is in good condition, has an enclosed AC (108v) fanuc motor with a differential encoder. Should be a breeze to control with the Snap Amp that just got ordered. Cables to match the Amphenol connectors and an Antek 80V power supply are on the way as well. I have some new parts that will benefit greatly from this add-on. One thing I need to research: This Rotary has a chuck/unchuck capability. I am either going to disable it and watch for motor dithering or where from the code would be a good place to tell the rotary to unchuck before it starts moving and lock back up when done? I am guessing this is how the input shaft on the first one snapped.

The Drewtronics automatic tool touch off should be an easier install. It's been done here on the forum before. Although now that I have one button that has taken away all of the math headache from before...touching tools off is quuite fast and simple as is. Just not automated.

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Re: Fawne Fadal, Unchained. (4020 Fadal Retrofit)

Post by BattyZ » Sun Oct 13, 2024 12:50 pm

Went to start the spindle up. Dead. Fatal error on the Sweodrive...I had a feeling this day was coming.

Sourced a Durapulse GS20 drive from Automation Direct, $511.
Wired up. Tuned in via the "mx+b" line of code in the spindle.c.

Accurate +/-4 RPM from 500 rpm to 10k. (still only running on the high belt)

Nightmare of a situation turned into Daydream.

A big +1 for Dynomotion.

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