Thanks Tom! I will check it out, a lot of the jerkyness has to do with the mechanics. The entire assembly is 3D printed. In order to make a solid connection between the plastic pieces and the gearbox shafts, I 3D printed an adapter out of steel with a key slot. It was my first attempt to print metal and there is a lot of slop in the keyway.
I thought it would be nice to wrap up the post with the final code that I wrote..
Hello Tom, greetings.
Regarding that type of graphics, where they were programmed, or how they design. I mean the program where you can see the movements of the mechanism.
Thank you so much.
There is a C# example called TeachMotion included in the installation. It uses OpenGL graphics. The standard example shows a Tool that moves around as the axes are Jogged. This is plotted in function glControl1_Paint in file Form1.cs. The 'Tool" is represented by a Polygon with 5 vertices.
Unfortunately I can't find the modifications that were made to display the link arms for the Spray Robot. If I locate them (Unlikely) I will post them.