Jogging Delay With KmotionCNC

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Jogging Delay With KmotionCNC

Post by jackgiz » Sat Jun 03, 2023 12:56 am

Hi Tom,
When adding the spindle to my CNC a while back I also upgraded on old Windows 7 IBM laptop to a newer Windows 10 Dell laptop. I now notice a delay when releasing any of the jog buttons. On my old computer the jog buttons seemed to work virtually instantaneous when pressed or released. With the new computer pressing a jog button works fine but when releasing it there seems to be a delay of maybe 1/2 second which can get exciting at times.

Any ideas on what might cause this problem?


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Re: Jogging Delay With KmotionCNC

Post by TomKerekes » Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:50 pm

Hi Jack,


I assume you are referring to the Windows PC screen Jog buttons.

Is it consistent or only happens sometimes?

Does the button on the screen release instantly?

Does it seem to take the time to decelerate or is there a delay before the deceleration begins?

What type of system is this? Open or closed loop?

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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Re: Jogging Delay With KmotionCNC

Post by jackgiz » Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:15 pm

Is it consistent or only happens sometimes?
It does it all of the time. A quick tap and release of the jog arrow (slow speed) moves the axis .25-.375. If you click and hold the button down it appears to travel for a greater distance, .5-.75. The fast jog arrow tap and release is similar, .25-.375 but the click, hold and then release appears to travel much further. Maybe an inch or more, this is hard to measure.
Does the button on the screen release instantly?
Does it seem to take the time to decelerate or is there a delay before the deceleration begins?
Hard to say since this all happens within a fraction of a second. I experimented with doubling the acceleration (300k to 600k) and jerk (600k to 1200k) in my init file and it does seem to be more responsive.

What type of system is this? Open or closed loop?
Open loop.

I'll play around with the Accel and Jerk to see if I can find a sweet spot.


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Re: Jogging Delay With KmotionCNC

Post by TomKerekes » Thu Jun 08, 2023 12:37 am

Hi Jack,

With an Acceleration of 300k and a Jerk of 600k it would take 1/2 second to ramp the acceleration up and another 1/2 second to ramp the acceleration back down. Normally Jerk in around 10X the Acceleration so that the Acceleration is applied and removed in 0.1 seconds.

Did you save the settings you had before changing the PC?

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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