KFLOPS with Windows 11 - USB problem

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KFLOPS with Windows 11 - USB problem

Post by larryjamessmith » Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:47 am

I installed KMOTION on a new PC with Windows 11. At first I loaded version 434, but then upgraded to version 5.0.6. Both had the same issue when Windows refused to recognize the USB driver as being legitimate. To get it operating I had to over-ride one of the Windows security settings. It works fine after doing this:

Click on windows icon on tool bar
Select "All Apps"
Scroll down to "Windows Security"
Choose "Device Security"
Choose "Core Isolation Details"
Turn "Memory Integrity" to "Off"

I don't know if this leaves my PC vulnerable to hacks, but I am not worried about it since this PC is only used with my CNC mill.

Was this already identified as an issue? If so, is there any plan to release a driver that meets the current Windows requirements?

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Re: KFLOPS with Windows 11 - USB problem

Post by TomKerekes » Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:24 pm

Hi Larry,

It shouldn't be any less venerable than anyone running W10. We don't have any plans to re-create drivers at this time.

Consider using our new Kogna Ethernet Controller :)

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:18 pm

Re: KFLOPS with Windows 11 - USB problem and more

Post by larryjamessmith » Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:41 am

Yes, for sure I will recommend or buy Kogna hardware set for my next project. It looks sweet!

I got my system fully converted over to KMotion version 5.0.6 running on Windows 11. In addition to the USB problem I found I needed to make several other changes to get it running:

1) Change the Windows Security settings (as described before)

2) Change the permissions settings for all the directories and files to allow read/write by any user. I am sure one could limit this to just the files used to capture machine state, but I found it easier to just change for all.

3) Change the approach to updating any controls in the KMotionCNC screen (such as the DRO's). While in the past it worked to just add a few delays to allow enough time for the system to respond to MDI calls (invoked in thread 6 for me), it never responds now while in the middle of a program running a gcode (M6 in my case). Here is how I handled it:
a) Dedicated a virtual bit as a flag that shows an update is required. Also assign a persistent user variable to carry the value.
b) In the program invoking the change for the DRO, set the persistent variable value to the desired DRO value and set the flag bit.
c) In the initialization program (thread 1 for me) add an endless loop to monitor the flag bit. When detected, execute the DRO change (I used MDI with a G92 command) and then reset the flag bit.

I hope others may find this useful as they upgrade their software.


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