5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

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George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:09 am

Yes the libraries where rebuilt. Not sure why you are asking about the B and C Axis? The Y axis hits the - Y limit
and overtravel's switch. Y axis hits hard stop. X Axis is about 9 inches from machine Zero position, nowhere near ready to rotate the B and C Axis.
The strange thing is the first two blocks of G28 work fine. If I remove the third G28 block from program, it will rotate the B and C in position, then will finish the last side. Once finished ,then goes to a clear position near machine home and zero's B and C properly. From there it goes back to machine zero.

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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:13 pm

Hi George,
Yes the libraries where rebuilt.
Did you rebuild the Debug or Release Libraries? Are you running the Debug or Release code? You said there was no difference which wouldn't make sense if the change was made.
Not sure why you are asking about the B and C Axis? The Y axis hits the - Y limit and overtravel's switch. Y axis hits hard stop.
Because the bug was related to improperly moving the B and C axes. Also with RTCP on how the Y axis moves will be different depending on the B C angles.
The strange thing is the first two blocks of G28 work fine.
Well the positions and angles are different.

Please verify that the bug fix is actually installed. If you single step over thee G28 do the BC angles move to zero?

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:53 pm

Hi Tom, both the Debug and Release files where rebuilt. Can you confirm file names that needed to be changed so I can check
dates to make sure they are up to date. Also back to limit switch problems. I have them connected to the JP6 inputs and I am getting
low voltages coming into Kflop when they go high. The lowest is 1.43V. I know there are pullup resistors on those inputs. Can I do something to get
the voltage closer to 3.3V ?


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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Thu Apr 06, 2023 12:53 pm

Hi George,
Can you confirm file names that needed to be changed so I can check
only rs274ngc.cpp. Original file should have a 2022 timestamp.
Also back to limit switch problems. I have them connected to the JP6 inputs and I am getting
low voltages coming into Kflop when they go high. The lowest is 1.43V. I know there are pullup resistors on those inputs. Can I do something to get
the voltage closer to 3.3V ?
JP6 have 150 Ohm pull down resistors (not pull up) on the first 8 IO. What circuit are you using? A 100 Ohm pull up to 5V would provide:

150/(100+150) x 5V = 3V

But it is much better to use opto isolated 24V Limit switch wiring.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:11 pm

Hi Tom, checked updates and I do have the latest. compiled rs274ngc and it updated files vc140idb 2023-04-03 and vc140.pdb 2023-04-03
in the Debug folder and also vc140.pdb 2023-04-03 in the Release folder.
I ran my Test RTCP program and came up with a buffer error when program hit B45 line. I don't have any zero fields other than radius inches field.
I then ran simple movements in MDI mode and rotated B45 and it seemed to run the RTCP. When I went to run the C180 the axis did rotate but the tool center wondered a lot from center. 6 Plus inches. When sent back home, all axis returned to home position.

About limits, sorry yes those inputs have pulldowns. I need 16 inputs, 10 for limits and 6 for motor faults. All signals are running 24v and I am using
voltage converters to convert 24v to 3.3 PNP. Using simple converter to drop 24v to 3.3v PNP for the limits and faults. High speed converter
for the quad signals from 24v to 3.3v PNP. Checked with scope and getting nice clean signals. The 3.3v limit signals are connected via JP4 and JP6
pins 5,6,7,10,11 and 12. (with pulldown) The 4 remaining are connected to JP12 pins 1,2,3 and 4 (no pulldowns and work nice 3.03V when active)
Quad signals for B and C come from JP4 and JP6 pins 15 and 16 and the rest of the Axis control comes from JP5.
Yes the pullup resistors should work but I am wondering if removing R10 and R11 on the board would work as well? I do have a bad board to
practice on!

RTCP buffer fault.PNG

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:01 pm

Hi Tom , just playing with RTCP and the tracking problem is when the machine is running rapid G00 mode. In Go1 it tracks properly using MDI mode.
Still have the buffer error when trying to run simple RTCP test program.

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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Fri Apr 07, 2023 9:15 pm

Hi George,
just playing with RTCP and the tracking problem is when the machine is running rapid G00 mode. In Go1 it tracks properly using MDI mode.
It might be the axes just don’t keep up with the trajectory for a faster G0 move. Do you have a small Max Following Error setting to fault whenever an axis can’t keep up?

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:13 pm

Hi Tom, I don't have any max following error setting . Where would that be set? Are the Max Rapid moves set by the Int.c program because
I do get times when the RTCP goes a crazy fast move and at other times it runs at a nice controlled fast speed. I know the rapids can be set in
the kmotion slider but not sure where it is set when I have the problem. Also any Idea why I am getting the buffer error?
Just to let you know I will be away for a week so no rush for an answer.


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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by TomKerekes » Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:56 pm

Hi George,
I don't have any max following error setting . Where would that be set?
Actually I recall now your system is open loop from KFLOP's perspective where KFLOP has no information about any following error. So this shouldn't be an issue. I assume your drives would fault if there was a significant following error.
Are the Max Rapid moves set by the Int.c program because
I do get times when the RTCP goes a crazy fast move and at other times it runs at a nice controlled fast speed.
Yes the G0 Rapid settings are set in KFLOP via the INIT C Program. See here. Have you tested and tuned each axis so the limits are set properly?
Also any Idea why I am getting the buffer error?
We had that issue before regarding pure angle moves and applied a patch. Has that patch been applied in the code you are running? See here.
No rush from my end. I'm in Brazil on vacation also :)

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

George Butty
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Re: 5 axis CNC Router/3d printer

Post by George Butty » Mon May 08, 2023 9:38 pm

Hi Tom, I got back to working on my machine. I had problems with my computer
running the machine. Got it running again and re loaded everything again. I rebuilt
the last fix you sent me and so far things are working correctly. That G28 problem
seems to be fixed. Still have some limit switch problems but its very intermittent.
Can run things for now and will get back to it later.

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