automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

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automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

Post by Garage14 » Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:06 pm

So I got a drewtronics probe and tool setter to automate setting offsets. I found the probemain.c via forum scrounging and I tested it with everything mechanically decoupled and I think I am golden on that part. Thanks all involved for that program and UI! As for the tool setter I found this thread viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1345&p=4462#p4462, but like all the other posts on tool offsets I found the poster is manually changing tools. I have a pneumatic automatic tool change spindle and I am using a modified version of the linear4toolholders.c program. I see in the code parameters for

// absolute position of the tool height setting plate
#define TOOL_HEIGHT_PLATE_X -300


#define TOOL_HEIGHT_BIT 143 //bit to read tool height plate (Kanalog INPUT 143)

but the program doesn't have anything after picking up the tool for doing a touch off and updating the tool length offset in the tooltable. Like this code was deleted? does it exist somewhere else that I can paste back in?

Thanks a bunch - Dave

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Re: automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

Post by TomKerekes » Fri Oct 21, 2022 9:16 pm

Hi Dave,

I don't think most Users would want to automatically measure the tool after every tool change. But if you wish to do so you can add code to do so at the end of a tool change.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

Posts: 27
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Re: automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

Post by Garage14 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:38 pm

Ok I have spent a few days on this one and I am properly stuck. I am attempting to copy paste the Z probe function from Probemain into the linear4toolholder so that after picking up a tool the z homes back to zero and then moves over and touches off on the setter. I also copied the tooltableset code in after the zprobe in the hopes that after touching off the tool length will get measured and saved to the tool table. I got the tool change working perfectly before hacking this extra code in, but the probe code is a lot more complex and I can't seem to fix the compile errors by just copying more probe code over. ;)

Here's the hot mess I have now

Code: Select all

#include "KMotionDef.h"
#define TMP 10 // which spare persist to use to transfer data
#include "C:\KMotion435f\C Programs\KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c"

#define AXISX 0
#define AXISY 1
#define AXISZ 2

//---------Absolute position of tool holders
#define HOLDER_Y_1 -150
#define HOLDER_Y_2 -300
#define HOLDER_Y_3 -450
#define HOLDER_Y_4 -500
#define HOLDER_X -719
#define HOLDER_Z -169

// absolute position of the tool height setting plate
#define TOOL_HEIGHT_PLATE_X -642 
#define TOOL_HEIGHT_PLATE_Y -568 

// absolute position to move to that is permanently unobstructed, and safe to move down in Z
#define TOOL_CHANGE_SAFE_POS_X -647  

#define AXIS_SAFE_DISTANCE_X -647  // distance in mm to approach tool holder

//--------- Spindle IO bits
#define CLAW_EJECT 152		// IO bit to eject tool from spindle (Kanalog OUTPUT 152)
#define CLAW_LOOSE 138		// IO bit to sense whether the claw has ejected (Kanalog INPUT 138)
#define TOOL_SENSE 137		// IO bit to sense whether the a tool is in the spindle (Kanalog INPUT 137)

#define TOOL_VAR 9        	// Tool changer desired new tool Var

// Tool changer Last tool loaded is saved globally in this Var
#define LAST_TOOL_VAR 8   	//  -1=Spindle empty, 0=unknown, 1-4 Tool Slot loaded into Spindle
#define TOOL_DISK_FILE "c:\\Temp\\ToolChangerData.txt"

#define CLAMP_TIME 3    	// seconds to wait for the clamp/unclamp
#define TOOL_HEIGHT_BIT	143	//bit to read tool height plate (Kanalog INPUT 143)
#define PROBE_ACTIVE 0  				// triggered state = 0 or 1

#define SAFE_HEIGHT_Z -95   // absolute distance in mm to move to clear the top of the tool taper
#define TOOL_RETRACT_SPEED_Z 5.0	//speed in mm/second to move spindle up after tool has been ejected

#define ZAXIS 2							// #114
#define SlowSpeed 18.0 //mm/sec
#define PROBESPEED 20.0f				// #111		Probespeed in in/min

#define CNT_PER_MM_X 800.0 
#define CNT_PER_MM_Y 800.0 
#define CNT_PER_MM_Z 800.0 

// function prototypes
int DoToolChange(int ToolSlot);
int GetCurrentTool(int *tool);
int SaveCurrentTool(int tool);
BOOL ToolNumberValid(int tool);
float ToolPositionX(int tool);
float ToolPositionY(int tool);
int MoveXY(float x, float y, float Speed);
int MoveX(float x, float Speed);
int MoveY(float y, float Speed);
int MoveZ(float z, float Speed);
int UnloadTool(int CurrentTool);
int LoadNewTool(int Tool);
int EjectTool(void);
void FindZ();
int MoveDirection(int Direction, double Distance, int CheckProbe);
void Probe(int Direction);
// Globals
float xRes, yRes, zRes;
// float StockWidth, StockDepth;
float FSpeed, SSpeed, MSpeed;
double nTouch, sTouch, wTouch, eTouch, tempX, tempY, Trig;
float CalcStockWidth, CalcStockDepth;
int Direction, Axis;

	int ToolSlot = persist.UserData[TOOL_VAR];  // Requested tool to load (value stored an integer) 

	if (DoToolChange(ToolSlot))  // perform Tool Change
		// error, Halt Job

// Perform Tool Change.  Return 0=Success, 1=Failure
int DoToolChange(int ToolSlot)
	int CurrentTool;

	if (GetCurrentTool(&CurrentTool)) return 1;  //  -1=Spindle empty, 0=unknown, 1-4 Tool Slot loaded into Spindle

	printf("Load Tool Slot %d requested, Current Tool %d\n",ToolSlot, CurrentTool);
	if (!ToolNumberValid(ToolSlot))  // check if invalid
		char s[80];
		sprintf(s,"Invalid Tool Change Number %d\n",ToolSlot);
		MsgBox(s, MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;
	if (CurrentTool!=-1) // is there a tool in the Spindle??
		if (UnloadTool(CurrentTool)) return 1;  // yes, unload it
	// Now Spindle is empty, load requested tool
	if (LoadNewTool(ToolSlot)) return 1;
	SaveCurrentTool(ToolSlot);  // save the one that has been loaded
	return 0;  // success

// - Load new Tool (Spindle must be empty)
int LoadNewTool(int Tool)
		if (ReadBit(TOOL_SENSE))
		printf("Tool Sense Error\n");
		MsgBox("Tool Sense Error\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;

	xRes = *(float *)&persist.UserData[TMP];
	yRes = *(float *)&persist.UserData[TMP+1];
	zRes = *(float *)&persist.UserData[TMP+2];
		printf("Units are Inches\n");
		ToUserUnits = 1.0;
		printf("Units are millimeters\n");
		ToUserUnits = 25.4;

	// - move to Z Home to clear any work that may be on the table
	if (MoveZ(0.0,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - Move to position of requested tool
	// - Rapid move to absolute position of new tool only in X and Y
	if (MoveXY(HOLDER_X,ToolPositionY(Tool),SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - Move to SAFE_HEIGHT_Z position at TOOL_RETRACT_SPEED_Z
	if (MoveZ(SAFE_HEIGHT_Z,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - open claw if picking up a tool with spindle empty

	// - Move to tool Z position at TOOL_RETRACT_SPEED_Z
	if (MoveZ(HOLDER_Z,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - Engage new tool
	// - CLAW_EJECT bit is currently high
	// - Turn off CLAW_EJECT bit to engage tool

	// - Wait for time in seconds defined by CLAMP_TIME

	// - Check to see if CLAW_LOOSE low and TOOL_SENSE high; if either are not, 
	//		something has gone wrong; halt everything and display message indicating failure
	// - Tool has been engaged
	if (ReadBit(CLAW_LOOSE))
		printf("Claw Still Loose Error\n");
		MsgBox("Claw Still Loose Error\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;
	if (!ReadBit(TOOL_SENSE))
		printf("Tool Sense Error\n");
		MsgBox("Tool Sense Error\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;

	// - Leave tool holder by moving X axis by the positive value of X_AXIS_SAFE_DISTANCE
	if (MoveX(AXIS_SAFE_DISTANCE_X,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - Rapid to Z home
	if (MoveZ(0.0,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - Move to position of tool setter
	// - Rapid move to absolute position of tool setter only in X and Y
	// - Move to SAFE_HEIGHT_Z position at TOOL_RETRACT_SPEED_Z
	if (MoveZ(SAFE_HEIGHT_Z,SlowSpeed)) return 1;
	void FindZ()
	// Find Z Height
	Probe(5);						// Find top of stock
	MoveAtVel(ZAXIS, Trig, PROBESPEED * zRes / 60);

	int FixtureIndex,Units, TWORD, HWORD, DWORD;
	double NewToolLength,OriginOffsetZ,AxisOffsetZ;
	double Machinex,Machiney,Machinez,Machinea,Machineb,Machinec;

	GetMiscSettings(&Units, &TWORD, &HWORD, &DWORD);


	GetOriginOffset(&OriginOffsetZ, FixtureIndex, Zaxis);

	GetAxisOffset(&AxisOffsetZ, Zaxis);

	// Compute Tool Offset to make DRO zero when Tool Length selected and enabled
	// Since Machine = DRO + OriginOffset + AxisOffset + ToolOffset
	// Set DRO = 0 and solve for ToolOffset
	NewToolLength = RoundToReasonable(Machinez - OriginOffsetZ - AxisOffsetZ,Units);

	// Change Currently Selected Tool Length

	return 0; //success

// - Remove tool in spindle by going to holder of current tool
int UnloadTool(int CurrentTool)
		if (!ReadBit(TOOL_SENSE))
		printf("Tool Sense Error\n");
		MsgBox("Tool Sense Error\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;

	// - move to Z Home to clear any work that may be on the table
	if (MoveZ(0.0,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - After matching height above, approach tool holder by moving to holder Y position
	if (MoveXY(TOOL_CHANGE_SAFE_POS_X,ToolPositionY(CurrentTool),SlowSpeed)) return 1;	
	// - Approach tool holder by matching Z height of tool holder
	if (MoveZ(HOLDER_Z,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - After match tool Y position, match X position
	if (MoveX(HOLDER_X,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - Eject tool
	if (EjectTool()) return 1;

	return 0; //success

// - Eject tool
int EjectTool(void)
	// - Turn on CLAW_EJECT bit to remove tool from spindle

	// - Wait for time in seconds defined by CLAMP_TIME
	// - Read CLAW_LOOSE bit to see whether the tool is loose, to make a safe Z move without  
	//   destroying tool holder
	// - If CLAW_LOOSE bit is low, something has gone wrong;
	//		halt everything and display message indicating failure
	if (!ReadBit(CLAW_LOOSE))
		printf("Claw Loose Error\n");
		MsgBox("Claw Loose Error\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;

	// - Move to SAFE_HEIGHT_Z position at TOOL_RETRACT_SPEED_Z
	if (MoveZ(SAFE_HEIGHT_Z,SlowSpeed)) return 1;

	// - Turn off CLAW_EJECT bit to save air

	// - Move Z axis up at speed defined by 'Z_TOOL_RETRACT_SPEED', to Z safe height

	// - Read TOOL_SENSE bit to see whether the tool has been successfully ejected from the spindle
	// - If TOOL_SENSE bit is high, something has gone wrong; 
	//		halt everything and display message indicating failure
	if (ReadBit(TOOL_SENSE))
		printf("Tool Sense Release Error\n");
		MsgBox("Tool Sense Release Error\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;
	return 0; // success

//return y position of tool holder as a function of the tool
float ToolPositionY(int tool)
	return -150*tool;

// Get the last loaded tool.  Parameter points to where to return tool
// First try to get from KFLOP memory
// if memory is invalid, try to read from disk
// if can't read disk then ask Operator
// returns 0 on success, 1 on fail or Operator asked to abort

int GetCurrentTool(int *ptool)
	int success,Answer,result,tool;
	float value;

	tool = persist.UserData[LAST_TOOL_VAR];
	success = ToolNumberValid(tool);  // check if valid

	if (!success)   // invalid after power up, try to read from PC Disk File
		// Try to open file
		FILE *f=fopen(TOOL_DISK_FILE,"rt");
		if (f)  // did file open?
			// read a line and convert it
			if (result==1 && ToolNumberValid(tool))
				printf("Read Disk File Value of %d\n",tool);
				success=TRUE; // success if one value converted
		if (!success) printf("Unable to open/read file:%s\n",TOOL_DISK_FILE);  

	if (!success)   // if still no success ask Operator
		Answer = InputBox("Tool in Spindle or -1",&value);
		if (Answer)
			printf("Operator Canceled\n");
			return 1;
			printf("Operator Entered Value of %d\n",tool);

	if (!ToolNumberValid(tool))  // check if invalid
		char s[80];
		sprintf(s,"Invalid Current Tool Number %d\n",tool);
		MsgBox(s, MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;
	printf("Current tool = %d\n",tool);
	*ptool = tool;  // return result to caller
	return 0;  //success

// save the tool number to KFLOP global Variable and to PC Disk file in case we loose power
int SaveCurrentTool(int tool)
	FILE *f=fopen(TOOL_DISK_FILE,"wt");
	return 0;

// check if Current Tool number Valid
// -1 = no tool loaded
// 1-4 = valid tool
BOOL ToolNumberValid(int tool)
	return tool == -1 || (tool>=1 && tool<=4);

// Move Axis XY at specified Speed and wait until complete
// return 0 = success, 1 if axis disabled
int MoveXY(float x, float y, float Speed)
printf("MoveXY X=%fmm Y=%fmm X=%fcnts Y=%fcnts\n",x,y,x * CNT_PER_MM_X,y * CNT_PER_MM_Y);
	MoveAtVel(AXISX, x * CNT_PER_MM_X, Speed * CNT_PER_MM_X);
	MoveAtVel(AXISY, y * CNT_PER_MM_Y, Speed * CNT_PER_MM_Y);
	while (!CheckDone(AXISX) || !CheckDone(AXISY))
		if (!chan[AXISX].Enable)
			printf("Error X Axis Disabled\n");
			MsgBox("Error X Axis Disabled\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
			return 1;
		if (!chan[AXISY].Enable)
			printf("Error Y Axis Disabled\n");
			MsgBox("Error Y Axis Disabled\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
			return 1;
	return 0;  //success

// Move Axis Z at specified Speed and wait until complete
// return 0 = success, 1 if axis disabled
int MoveZ(float z, float Speed)
	MoveAtVel(AXISZ, z * CNT_PER_MM_Z, Speed * CNT_PER_MM_Z);
	while (!CheckDone(AXISZ))
		if (!chan[AXISZ].Enable)
			printf("Error Z Axis Disabled\n");
			MsgBox("Error Z Axis Disabled\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
			return 1;
	return 0;  //success

// Move Axis X at specified Speed and wait until complete
// return 0 = success, 1 if axis disabled
int MoveX(float x, float Speed)
	MoveAtVel(AXISX, x * CNT_PER_MM_X, Speed * CNT_PER_MM_X);
	while (!CheckDone(AXISX))
		if (!chan[AXISX].Enable)
			printf("Error X Axis Disabled\n");
			MsgBox("Error X Axis Disabled\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
			return 1;
	return 0;  //success

int MoveDirection(int Direction, double Distance, int CheckProbe)
	double tmpDist;
	char* cDir;
	if (Direction == 1)
		MSpeed = MOVESPEED * yRes / 60;
		tmpDist = Distance * yRes;
		Axis = YAXIS;
		cDir = "North";
	if (Direction == 2)
		MSpeed = MOVESPEED * xRes / 60;
		tmpDist = Distance * xRes;
		Axis = XAXIS;
		cDir = "East";
	if (Direction == 3)
		MSpeed = MOVESPEED * yRes / 60;
		tmpDist = Distance * yRes * -1;
		Axis = YAXIS;
		cDir = "South";
	if (Direction == 4)
		MSpeed = MOVESPEED * xRes / 60;
		tmpDist = Distance * xRes * -1;
		Axis = XAXIS;
		cDir = "West";
	if (Direction == 5)
		MSpeed = MOVESPEED * zRes / 60;
		tmpDist = Distance * zRes * -1;
		Axis = ZAXIS;
		cDir = "Down";
	if (Direction == 6)
		MSpeed = MOVESPEED * zRes / 60;
		tmpDist = Distance * zRes;
		Axis = ZAXIS;
		cDir = "Up";
	printf("Moving %s ", cDir);
	printf("%f mm\n", Distance * ToUserUnits);
	if (CheckProbe == 0)
		MoveRelAtVel(Axis, tmpDist, MSpeed);
		while (!CheckDone(Axis));
		return 0;
		MoveRelAtVel(Axis, tmpDist, MSpeed);
		while (!CheckDone(Axis) && ReadBit(PROBEBIT) != PROBE_ACTIVE);
			MsgBox("Probe hit something!",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
			return 1;
			return 0;

void Probe(int Direction)
	if (Direction == 1)
		FSpeed = PROBESPEED * yRes / 60;
		SSpeed = SLOWSPEED * yRes / 60;
		Axis = YAXIS;		
	if (Direction == 2)
		FSpeed = PROBESPEED * xRes / 60;
		SSpeed = SLOWSPEED * xRes / 60;
		Axis = XAXIS;		
	if (Direction == 3)
		FSpeed = PROBESPEED * -1.0f * yRes / 60;
		SSpeed = SLOWSPEED * -1.0f * yRes / 60;
		Axis = YAXIS;		
	if (Direction == 4)
		FSpeed = PROBESPEED * -1.0f * xRes / 60;
		SSpeed = SLOWSPEED * -1.0f * xRes / 60;
		Axis = XAXIS;		
	if (Direction == 5)
		FSpeed = PROBESPEED * -1.0f * zRes / 60;
		SSpeed = SLOWSPEED * -1.0f * zRes / 60;
		Axis = ZAXIS;		
	printf("Jogging at speed:%f\n", FSpeed);
	Jog(Axis, FSpeed);
	printf("Waiting for probe to activate|\n");
	while (ReadBit(PROBEBIT) != PROBE_ACTIVE);   		
    Jog(Axis, 0);
	printf("Waiting for motion to stop\n");
	while (!CheckDone(Axis));
	printf("Jogging at speed:%f\n", -SSpeed);
	Jog(Axis, -SSpeed);
	printf("Waiting for probe to reset\n");
	while (ReadBit(PROBEBIT) == PROBE_ACTIVE);   		
    Jog(Axis, 0);
	printf("Waiting for motion to stop\n");
	while (!CheckDone(Axis));
	printf("Jogging at speed:%f\n", SSpeed);
	Jog(Axis, SSpeed);
	printf("Waiting for probe to activate\n");
	while (ReadBit(PROBEBIT) != PROBE_ACTIVE);   		
	Trig = chan[Axis].Dest;
    Jog(Axis, 0);
	printf("Waiting for motion to stop\n");
	while (!CheckDone(Axis));

I get a declaration list expected for the probe line, I tried to copy all the relevant defines and such but I clearly am still missing something for the probe code to compile

Thanks -Dave

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Re: automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

Post by TomKerekes » Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:23 pm

Looks like you pasted a FindZ function in the middle of another function's code.

Line 209 seems to have some non-visible character.

You might read through this and try again.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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Re: automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

Post by Garage14 » Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:53 pm

Ok I eventually gave up on pasting the tooltableset code into the tool changer code. I got closer with cppcheck and TI compiler but then I realized that the way tooltableset calculates the tool length would get really funky with an active fixture offset mid program so I changed my mind and tried something simpler. I am now just trying to get the tooltableset code to move the current tool to the tool setter and update tool length. I thought I had it. This new code clears the compile checks and it runs and works fine except for one issue.
I added:

while (!ReadBit(136));

above the main tooltableset code along with a couple of move commands. The move commands work perfect to bring the spindle over the setter on X and Y but the jog command to bring the spindle down and touch off is getting completely ignored. I looked at other C program examples to see if I am missing something to use jog commands but none of the other programs I looked at did anything besides putting jog straight in the main code. I've gotta be missing something really simple.

Code: Select all

#include "KMotionDef.h"

#define TMP 10 // which spare persist to use to transfer data
#include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c"

#define AXISX 0
#define AXISY 1
#define AXISZ 2
#define Zaxis 2

#define SETTER_SENSE 136		// IO bit to sense whether the a tool is in the spindle (Kanalog INPUT 136)
#define SlowSpeed 18.0 					//mm/sec

#define CNT_PER_MM_X 800.0 
#define CNT_PER_MM_Y 800.0 
#define CNT_PER_MM_Z 800.0 

int MoveXY(float x, float y, float Speed);
int MoveZ(float z, float Speed);

		if (!ReadBit(SETTER_SENSE))
		printf("SETTER Sense Error\n");
		MsgBox("SETTER Sense Error\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
		return 1;
	// - move to Z Home to clear any work that may be on the table
	if (MoveZ(-10,SlowSpeed)) return 1;	
	// - Move to position of tool setter
	// - Rapid move to absolute position of tool setter only in X and Y
	while (!ReadBit(136));
	int FixtureIndex,Units, TWORD, HWORD, DWORD;
	double NewToolLength,OriginOffsetZ,AxisOffsetZ;
	double Machinex,Machiney,Machinez,Machinea,Machineb,Machinec;

	GetMiscSettings(&Units, &TWORD, &HWORD, &DWORD);


	GetOriginOffset(&OriginOffsetZ, FixtureIndex, Zaxis);

	GetAxisOffset(&AxisOffsetZ, Zaxis);

	// Compute Tool Offset to make DRO zero when Tool Length selected and enabled
	// Since Machine = DRO + OriginOffset + AxisOffset + ToolOffset
	// Set DRO = 0 and solve for ToolOffset
	NewToolLength = RoundToReasonable(Machinez - OriginOffsetZ - AxisOffsetZ,Units);

	// Change Currently Selected Tool Length

	// - Rapid to Z home
	if (MoveZ(0.0,SlowSpeed)) return 1;


// Move Axis Z at specified Speed and wait until complete
// return 0 = success, 1 if axis disabled
int MoveZ(float z, float Speed)
	MoveAtVel(AXISZ, z * CNT_PER_MM_Z, Speed * CNT_PER_MM_Z);
	while (!CheckDone(AXISZ))
		if (!chan[AXISZ].Enable)
			printf("Error Z Axis Disabled\n");
			MsgBox("Error Z Axis Disabled\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
			return 1;
	return 0;  //success

// Move Axis XY at specified Speed and wait until complete
// return 0 = success, 1 if axis disabled
int MoveXY(float x, float y, float Speed)
printf("MoveXY X=%fmm Y=%fmm X=%fcnts Y=%fcnts\n",x,y,x * CNT_PER_MM_X,y * CNT_PER_MM_Y);
	MoveAtVel(AXISX, x * CNT_PER_MM_X, Speed * CNT_PER_MM_X);
	MoveAtVel(AXISY, y * CNT_PER_MM_Y, Speed * CNT_PER_MM_Y);
	while (!CheckDone(AXISX) || !CheckDone(AXISY))
		if (!chan[AXISX].Enable)
			printf("Error X Axis Disabled\n");
			MsgBox("Error X Axis Disabled\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
			return 1;
		if (!chan[AXISY].Enable)
			printf("Error Y Axis Disabled\n");
			MsgBox("Error Y Axis Disabled\n", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
			return 1;
	return 0;  //success
Thanks -Dave

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Re: automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

Post by TomKerekes » Sun Nov 06, 2022 9:02 pm

Hi Dave,

It looks ok to me. One possibility is you have the polarity of the bit wrong. Use the Digital IO Screen to check the polarity of the bit. Does the Bit go on when touching the part or off?

Or their might be noise on the input. As soon as one high is detected it will stop.

You might add a Delay_sec(1.0); before the stop to verify the Jogs are working.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

Posts: 27
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Re: automatic tool offset with tool setter on automatic toolchange

Post by Garage14 » Mon Nov 07, 2022 7:16 pm

It was something dumb. After working on it for 10 hours straight I became robotic in going through tests. I had been using "if" for most bit states instead of "while" so I did have the bit state inverted for this use. I did try removing the logic not for one of my tests but I discarded that as not being correct when I thought that the code just hung at that point. I now see that it is working. It only appears to stop all motion because the feed is soooo slow.

Thanks for the catch ;)

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