saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

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saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by ajith » Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:26 am

Respected sir,
I have an doubt that, is there a way to move the kmotion cnc jog value directly moved a permanent variable by configuring a button in the screen.
what is the purpose of measure button and how we need to configure the use of measured value in the program. By reading the manual, I can understand that its a matrix of value.

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:28 pm

is there a way to move the kmotion cnc jog value directly moved a permanent variable by configuring a button in the screen.
I don't understand the question. What is a cnc jog value?
what is the purpose of measure button and how we need to configure the use of measured value in the program. By reading the manual, I can understand that its a matrix of value.
The measure button can be used for building a geo correction file. See here.

If an empty file, except for the first 3 lines which define the grid, is created then each push of the measure button will add one measured point to the file. So a geo correction file can be created by moving to corrected grid points and pushing the measure button at each point.

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by ajith » Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:16 am

respected sir,
thanks for your clarification regarding the geo file. after creating a geo file and how can i use the value in the geofile.

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by ajith » Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:53 am

is there a way to move the kmotion cnc jog value directly moved a permanent variable by configuring a button in the screen.
I don't understand the question. What is a cnc jog value?
WhatsApp Image 2022-06-02 at 9.54.06 AM.jpeg
As you know, the above screen is the kmotion cnc screen and there is an option to jog the corresponding axis where ever i want. my question is that whether i can read or store the value displayed in the screen whenever i jog our axis, by pressing a customized button and use that value directly in my gcode variable. That is whenever i press that customized button my coordination value used in the gcode need to be replaced with that jog value.

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by TomKerekes » Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:49 pm

after creating a geo file and how can i use the value in the geofile.
Did you read the link?
my question is that whether i can read or store the value displayed in the screen whenever i jog our axis, by pressing a customized button and use that value directly in my gcode variable. That is whenever i press that customized button my coordination value used in the gcode need to be replaced with that jog value.
See the SetFixtureZ.c example which reads the KMotionCNC DROs and uses it to adjust the GCode Fixture Offset by changing a GCode Variable.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by ajith » Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:26 am

Respected Sir,
i had read the link you have mentioned. The link you mentioned have detail about geo table but my question is how can define the geotable values in my gcode. that is whether the value in the geotable is used by default without defining in my program.
See the SetFixtureZ.c example which reads the KMotionCNC DROs and uses it to adjust the GCode Fixture Offset by changing a GCode Variable.
sure sir i will try that example program.

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by ajith » Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:48 am

Respected Sir,
See the SetFixtureZ.c example which reads the KMotionCNC DROs and uses it to adjust the GCode Fixture Offset by changing a GCode Variable.
I had gone through the program but i have tested the program in kmotion but i dont know where the value is saved. i had noidea how to use that program in my application. whether i need to assign the program in user button in toolsetup screen in kmotion cnc

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by TomKerekes » Fri Jun 03, 2022 4:35 pm

I had gone through the program but i have tested the program in kmotion but i don't know where the value is saved.
When the SetFixtureZ.c program executes you should see the KMotionCNC Z DRO change to zero. You can see that a Fixture Offset changed by using the fixture offset edit screen. Fixture offsets for all the axes and all the fixtures are stored in GCode Parameter Variables starting at #5201. The Variable for G54 Z is #5223
whether i need to assign the program in user button in toolsetup screen in kmotion cnc
If you want the program to run when a User Button is pushed then yes.

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by ajith » Wed Jun 08, 2022 5:53 am

Respected Sir,
When the SetFixtureZ.c program executes you should see the KMotionCNC Z DRO change to zero. You can see that a Fixture Offset changed by using the fixture offset edit screen. Fixture offsets for all the axes and all the fixtures are stored in GCode Parameter Variables starting at #5201. The Variable for G54 Z is #5223
Are you saying that if i jogged my motor to a certain position using the kmotion cnc screen and then execute SetFixtureZ.c program.the value in the dro will changed to 0 and the fixture offset value will be changed to the jog value. but when i execute SetFixtureZ.c program in kmotion ,i think there is a 'get' command used in the program to get value from the user but the program didnt wait to get value from the user.
If you want the program to run when a User Button is pushed then yes.
yes i want and is it possible to assign that c program to a button. and how can i do it.

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Re: saving the kmotion cnc jogged value to a permanent common variables

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:48 pm

Are you saying that if i jogged my motor to a certain position using the kmotion cnc screen and then execute SetFixtureZ.c program.the value in the dro will changed to 0 and the fixture offset value will be changed to the jog value.
but when i execute SetFixtureZ.c program in kmotion ,i think there is a 'get' command used in the program to get value from the user but the program didnt wait to get value from the user.
No it doesn't ask anything of the Operator.
yes i want and is it possible to assign that c program to a button. and how can i do it.
See here.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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