Hi Tom.
I decided to modify my ATC carousel to use a stepper motor instead a 24v dc, i think would be faster to rotate
i, have my A axis activated to drive ATC.
playing with the c programs ArotateToolChanger.c and Linear4ToolHoldersRev2.c, i compiled one out of these two programs that it seems to work, it does almost everything i want, for example:
1-it moves on x and y to certain position,
2-move the tool into the holder,
3-raise the Z up,
4-at this point, the A axis start to rotate to positon the tool, i have 8 tools divided in degrees, so it start at tool1,45.000 tool 2, 90.000 etc.
5- after tool position, the Z axis go down and clamp,
6-it moves on Y to pull the tool out of the carousel, then it go to work.
the problem is that i added a function in the program to perform rotatingin the A axis when Z raise up, but i could not figure it out how to make that variable to change it's value as the program running, it only reads the actual number and perform rotating but if number does not change never rotate again.
there is a copy with some notes what i did.