At certain code segments I am going from smooth motion to violent motion during small arcs, so bad that I am getting random X or Y axis disabled due to following error. (max error is set at ~.01", which has been a non issue so far, following error during tuning is under 60 counts or ~.0008 even at rapid speeds of 1000 IPM). I have had similar issues with non HSM toolpaths during vertical lead ins, there seems to be a large jerk when transitioning from the small vertical arc move to a linear move almost as if acceleration limits are not being honored, even at low feed rates.
This is code taken from the program that is causing the issue and seems to be arc related, this is not the worse spot but it's 1000's of lines of code and was easiest to find, feed rate is 60IPM but you can hear the banging even with feeds down to 20 IPM. This harshness persists even with acceleration set so slowly as to make the machine basically unusable (2 in/s^2, I normally run everything else at 9).
Code: Select all
G1 X4.352016 Y4.62238
G3 X4.328557 Y4.594552 I0.005832 J-0.028718
G3 X4.331621 Y4.580587 I0.029291 J-0.00089
G3 X4.411656 Y4.51855 I0.104405 J0.052047
G3 X4.450706 Y4.516903 I0.02437 J0.114084
G1 X4.475054 Y4.52086
G3 X4.45509 Y4.618996 I-0.08801 J0.033195
G3 X4.405596 Y4.631326 I-0.039559 J-0.053291
G1 X4.379165 Y4.626913
G3 X4.358287 Y4.585976 I0.005843 J-0.028772
G3 X4.475054 Y4.52086 I0.102584 J0.046701
G1 X4.499065 Y4.524761
G3 X4.482059 Y4.622179 I-0.084419 J0.035457
G3 X4.431338 Y4.635624 I-0.04078 J-0.051447
G1 X4.405596 Y4.631326
G3 X4.384307 Y4.591178 I0.005853 J-0.028822
G3 X4.460061 Y4.52684 I0.100988 J0.04214
G3 X4.499065 Y4.524761 I0.025234 J0.106478
G1 X4.523825 Y4.528784
G3 X4.507956 Y4.626022 I-0.082992 J0.03637
G3 X4.456798 Y4.639875 I-0.041214 J-0.050814
G1 X4.431338 Y4.635624
G3 X4.409866 Y4.595806 I0.005861 J-0.028859
G3 X4.484831 Y4.530948 I0.100353 J0.04024
G3 X4.523825 Y4.528784 I0.025388 J0.105098
G1 X4.548172 Y4.53274
G3 X4.527686 Y4.634791 I-0.078792 J0.037264
G3 X4.481963 Y4.644077 I-0.03576 J-0.058868
G1 X4.456798 Y4.639875
G3 X4.435127 Y4.600442 I0.005868 J-0.028896
G3 X4.548173 Y4.53274 I0.099624 J0.038117
G1 X4.57252 Y4.536702
G3 X4.55305 Y4.638644 I-0.077635 J0.038003
G3 X4.506924 Y4.648245 I-0.036168 J-0.058163
G1 X4.481963 Y4.644077
G3 X4.460129 Y4.604933 I0.005877 J-0.02894
G3 X4.533546 Y4.539014 I0.099048 J0.036472
G3 X4.572521 Y4.536702 I0.025631 J0.102391
G1 X4.596531 Y4.540707
Other trajectory planner settings are currently:
look ahead: 5 seconds
corner tolerance: .001
break angle: 179 (turned off, wondering if this is the issue, though I tried 90 with the same results)
When this happens, monitoring the drives there are current spikes up to ~6 amps, which is the continuous motor rating. Mechanically everything is fine and smooth as it should be. Rapid motion on all axis runs about 1.8 amps.
Any ideas, it's driving me nuts at this point and I am afraid to run the last batch of parts