RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

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RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by daredevil » Thu Aug 13, 2020 4:17 pm

Hi there,
I have setup my Kflop card for my 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill, without RTCP at the moment, using KmotionCNC.

My goal is to implement RTCP feature using KmotionCNC, I have read many times the wiki and the forum but I do not understand which are the steps to do this.
I have the 4.35b sw version and attached you can find the orthogonal kinematic of my mill, which is a standard table/table 5 axis but with the horizontal mill so it's an A/B configuration (obviously if I home the A axis rotated by +90° the kinematic is A/C but I need to keep the homing like the attached picture).
schema fresa.jpg
In particular to do this, can I utilise the "Alex's system with a Table A axis and Gimbal B axis (Kinematics5AxisTableAGimbalB.cpp)" with the pivotchucklenght set to 0?
or I have to modify the "5AxisTableAC" kinematic?

after this doubt, which is the procedure step by step to do this, in order to use RTCP?

please help me

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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by TomKerekes » Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:39 pm

Hi daredevil,

I think a TableAB Kinematics will need to be created for that.

Its not clear whether the marked directions are for moving the table or the tool.

What steps in the wiki don't you understand? Have you been able to re-build the libraries with Visual Studio 2015?

Tom Kerekes
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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by daredevil » Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:08 pm

Hy Tom,
thanks for the quick reply,
the marked direction are from the tool point of view, in specific the table moves in X and Z (in opposite direction vs the marked direction, i.e. when it moves X+ the table goes in X- direction, the same for Z moves), while the horizontal mill moves in Y as the marked direction (Up is Y+).

I have installed VS2019 community edition with C++ and MFC, but I do not know anything about it.

Could you please help me in order to create the generic TableAB Kinematics? obviously I will insert the offset values from home vs the table rotation point in mm or inches.

Is there a step by step guide/link to re-build the libraries?
I need to do this before or after having the new TableAB Kinematics?

thanks for your help, I am sorry but I have never used an IDE before,

all my best

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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by TomKerekes » Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:42 pm

Hi daredevil,
I have installed VS2019 community edition with C++ and MFC, but I do not know anything about it.
You will have less problems if you use VS2015 as requested. Please read up on VS.

Is there a step by step guide/link to re-build the libraries?
Yes. Here. Are you reading the wiki?

I am sorry but I have never used an IDE before
No Problem. Its time to learn :) Otherwise we provide custom help for a fee. We charge $250/hr with a 2 hr minimum.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by daredevil » Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:08 pm

Hi Tom
1) No problem, I will install VS2015 and I can learn using it
2) Could you please help me for the TableAB Kinematics?
3) in the wiki link you provide me in order to rebuild the libraries, there is no word about "kinematic", which library/ies I need to rebuild?
4) I need to rebuild the library/ies after having created the TableAB Kinematics?

all my best

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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by daredevil » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:41 am

if I use a standard (already present in the 4.35b sw) A/B (T/H) or A/C (T/T) kinematics, I need to recompile the libraries?
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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by TomKerekes » Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:52 pm

in the wiki link you provide me in order to rebuild the libraries, there is no word about "kinematic", which library/ies I need to rebuild?
The Kinematics is part of the GCodeInterpreter.dll library. But regardless, the BuildAllLibs.sln Visual Studio Solution will build all the libraries.

I need to rebuild the library/ies after having created the TableAB Kinematics?

if I use a standard (already present in the 4.35b sw) A/B (T/H) or A/C (T/T) kinematics, I need to recompile the libraries?
No. As described in the wiki, there is a text file Kinematics.txt in the \KMotion\Data directory that if present will be read by the CCoordMotion Class to select which Kinematics Class is to be used.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by daredevil » Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:47 pm

Thanks Tom,
so I can use the standard Kinematics5AxisTableAC, modifying the kinematics.txt this way:
CTableAZeroZZero = 0 //inches Machine Z coordinate of C table face when A=0
CTableAZeroXCenterpoint = 0 //inches Machine X coordinate of C rotation axis when A=0
CTableAZeroYCenterpoint = 0 //inches Machine Y coordinate of C rotation axis when A=0
ASaddleYCenterpoint = 0 //inches Machine Y coordinate of A rotation axis
ASaddleZCenterpoint = -1.1023622 //inches Machine Z coordinate of A rotation axis

Could you please confirm me that in this way the GCodeInterpreter takes all the inches values of the kinematic variables from the txt, without modifying the .cpp and rebuild the libraries?

If my mill homing is at the max values for XYZ axis (than set home position to 0 machine), should I insert the negative machine distances of the above variables (rotation center/Z C face) from the mill machine home coord.(0,0,0)?

or is it better to setup (after the homing procedure) the 0 machine coord. in the A/C rotation center and put only the Z offset distance between the top C face plate and the A rotation axis? (as the kinematics.text above example)

thanks again
all my best

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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by TomKerekes » Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:57 pm

so I can use the standard Kinematics5AxisTableAC, modifying the kinematics.txt this way:
CTableAZeroZZero = 0 //inches Machine Z coordinate of C table face when A=0
CTableAZeroXCenterpoint = 0 //inches Machine X coordinate of C rotation axis when A=0
CTableAZeroYCenterpoint = 0 //inches Machine Y coordinate of C rotation axis when A=0
ASaddleYCenterpoint = 0 //inches Machine Y coordinate of A rotation axis
ASaddleZCenterpoint = -1.1023622 //inches Machine Z coordinate of A rotation axis

Could you please confirm me that in this way the GCodeInterpreter takes all the inches values of the kinematic variables from the txt, without modifying the .cpp and rebuild the libraries?
No. Version 4.35 Kinematics5AxisTableAC doesn't read any parameters from the from the kinematics.txt file. The parameters are hard coded into the class and and must be re-compiled if changed.

If my mill homing is at the max values for XYZ axis (than set home position to 0 machine), should I insert the negative machine distances of the above variables (rotation center/Z C face) from the mill machine home coord.(0,0,0)?
I think either could work. I'd suggest having the home routine set the machine coordinates not to zero at the home position, but to whatever values such that 0, 0, 0 will be at the centers of rotations. That way if something changes the home routine can be adjusted and keep the machine coordinates the same.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: RTCP setup for 5axis A/B table/table horizontal mill

Post by daredevil » Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:40 pm

Thank you Tom,
I have rebuilt the GCodeInterpreter library, adding to TableAC kinematics (cpp&h files) the parameters reading from txt:

int CKinematics5AxisTableAC::Initialize()
// Check if parameters exist in Kinematics.txt, if so update them
GetParameter("CTableAZeroZZero", &CTableAZeroZZero);
GetParameter("CTableAZeroXCenterpoint", &CTableAZeroXCenterpoint);
GetParameter("CTableAZeroYCenterpoint", &CTableAZeroYCenterpoint);
GetParameter("ASaddleYCenterpoint", &ASaddleYCenterpoint);
GetParameter("ASaddleZCenterpoint", &ASaddleZCenterpoint);

return 0;

I am going to test if it works on my horizontal mill homing the A table at +90° in order to have the second rotary axis in Z axis (A/C config) instead of Y axis,
I believe it could be feasable without many modifications to make a new Table AB kinematics just changing the rotate3 parameters ("b" instead of "c"), could you please give me some quick indications about doing this?
best regards

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