the servo is now 14 tooth and the spindle 26 tooth. 0.53846153846 ratio
so invDistPerCycle is 0.000375
count/rev in kmotioncnc 14814.8148148
and A axis count/deg 41.1522633722
my god my brain is exploding
might get a dam 28 tooth for the spindle.

Moderators: TomKerekes, dynomotion
correct.invDistPerCycle is 0.000375
correctservo is now 14 tooth and the spindle 26 tooth. 0.53846153846 ratio
No, I get:count/rev in kmotioncnc 14814.8148148
and A axis count/deg 41.1522633722
what? where?i put that in
Yesso now it is 14857.142857142857 for the FACTOR?