Thanks for the reply. I thought the 'InputChan0' function is to set the appropriate IO channel for the encoders. Since I connected Encoder #0 to JP4 Pin 5 and 6 ( I am using +A and +B outputs of the differential encoder. Is this correct when you have a differential encoder with 4 outputs: +A,-A,+B,-B) , I thought I have to set the 'InputChan0' to the appropriate IO channel (which is 17 and 18 for JP4 Pins 5 and 6 respectively).
It seems you configured IO bit numbers for the Input Channels rather than the Encoder Channel number to use.
For example, KFLOP Axis Channel #0 should specify InputChan0=0 to use Encoder Channel #0.
I will try this out and let you know how it goes. So, if I implement these settings, does it mean that my "InpuChan0" = 1 for Encoder Channel #1 , "InpuChan0" = 2 for Encoder Channel #2 .......... "InpuChan0" = 8 for Encoder Channel #8 .
Thank you again.