G73 Quick Peck Drill

Moderators: TomKerekes, dynomotion

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G73 Quick Peck Drill

Post by tmday7 » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:27 pm

Hi Tom,
Is there certain way KMCNC handles G73 or is it not supported yet?


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Re: G73 Quick Peck Drill

Post by TomKerekes » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:48 pm

Hi Troy,

G73 is not implemented. Probably wouldn't be too hard to add. My understanding is it is the same as G83 peck drilling but instead of rapidly fully retracting each peck it rapidly only retracts a specified amount (R value).

G73 X0 Y0 Z-2 R.5 Q.5 F20


Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

Posts: 51
Joined: Fri May 11, 2018 10:17 pm

Re: G73 Quick Peck Drill

Post by tmday7 » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:25 pm

Some controls allow a certain amount to retract by another letter designation while retaining the normal 'R' plane of return. And other controls (Fanuc) are hard coded so when a G73 (also know as Chip Breaker) is issued they will retract say .010-.015" at the end of each peck. Which is normally enough to break a chip.
But i prefer a letter designation for the amount of retract. One control i have ran used the letter 'K' to define the amount of retract at the end of each peck. This helps when you got variables like drill diameter ,type, tip angle and different materials.


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