Filter screens and analog screen problems.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:05 pm
I had a computer crash of some sort on my lathe where my VGA port went out. Some of the parameters seem to have been affected. Initially after this I would get a message that if I tried to continue to the dynomotion console screen the 435b woud be lost. I took the computer to the tech shop. They said the VGA port went bad, but all else looked ok. Just switch to HDMI cable. The filter screens for my X and Z axis are now zeroed out so the step response screen will not work. I looked at my back up info and tried to enter the info back into the screens manually and find that does not seem to work. I also now get a message that the analog screen is closed when I try to go there. My encoder counts were off and I got them back to accurate measurements. The KMotion program seems to be OK after re-calibrating the encoder counts. Is there information I can post that would help determing how to get the filter screens and analog access back?