Are threads stopped during step response tests?
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:29 pm
Hi Tom
I need your help once more. My machine is setup and everything works, now comes the tuning phase. I'm controlling old Fanuc drives that require a tachometer signal. This signal is generated within KFlop, using the encoders and the DAC. This works fine to move the axes , I tried simple G-Codes and everything reacts properly.
Now I want to use the step response screen for channel 0 to tune my motors but the moment I press either move or step, all 3 axes start moving and fall into TACH ALARM. I tried entering very low values for max limits, motion profile , step and PID is set to 0/0/0. As soon as I press move the X axis moves very quick and TACH ALARM is triggered.
What usually triggers this alarm is when the tach signal is not present at all. Since this signal is generated by thread 1 in a forever loop that monitors the position of the axes and generates the tach when the position moves, it's leading me to think that thread 1 stops working when using the step response tool? Are all threads stopped when trying the step response tool?
This is my first time ever trying to tune a motor so I'm still learning a lot. I started by reading different forums and the kflop manual on step response, and I thought I understood how V / A and step time / size and so I lowered them in hopes to have the axis move very slowly and confirm the tach is still generated , but even the lowest values have the axis move the exact same speed (very fast) and tach alarm is generated.
What is confusing me is that if I try axis Z it seems to be able to move super fast without triggering the tach alarm, but it moves completely all the way to the limit switch and obviously is stopped then.. Which leads me to think that the tach is still generated in thread 1 or otherwise it would also fall in tach alarm way before it can reach the limit switch.
Here's a screenshot of the step response for my z axis. No matter what I enter it shoots up like crazy until it hits the limit.
I need your help once more. My machine is setup and everything works, now comes the tuning phase. I'm controlling old Fanuc drives that require a tachometer signal. This signal is generated within KFlop, using the encoders and the DAC. This works fine to move the axes , I tried simple G-Codes and everything reacts properly.
Now I want to use the step response screen for channel 0 to tune my motors but the moment I press either move or step, all 3 axes start moving and fall into TACH ALARM. I tried entering very low values for max limits, motion profile , step and PID is set to 0/0/0. As soon as I press move the X axis moves very quick and TACH ALARM is triggered.
What usually triggers this alarm is when the tach signal is not present at all. Since this signal is generated by thread 1 in a forever loop that monitors the position of the axes and generates the tach when the position moves, it's leading me to think that thread 1 stops working when using the step response tool? Are all threads stopped when trying the step response tool?
This is my first time ever trying to tune a motor so I'm still learning a lot. I started by reading different forums and the kflop manual on step response, and I thought I understood how V / A and step time / size and so I lowered them in hopes to have the axis move very slowly and confirm the tach is still generated , but even the lowest values have the axis move the exact same speed (very fast) and tach alarm is generated.
What is confusing me is that if I try axis Z it seems to be able to move super fast without triggering the tach alarm, but it moves completely all the way to the limit switch and obviously is stopped then.. Which leads me to think that the tach is still generated in thread 1 or otherwise it would also fall in tach alarm way before it can reach the limit switch.
Here's a screenshot of the step response for my z axis. No matter what I enter it shoots up like crazy until it hits the limit.