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How to understand the MaxLimits

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:38 pm
by Koep
Hi Tom,

The other day I got a feeling that I may have misunderstood, probably because english/american in not my native language.

The KFlop manual says:"Maximum error limits the maximum value allowed to pass through the servo compensator"

How exactly is this to be understood?

Does this mean that if I set MaxErr to 200 then all following errors bigger than 200 will be left unhandled by the PID loop?


Re: How to understand the MaxLimits

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:45 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Tapio,
Does this mean that if I set MaxErr to 200 then all following errors bigger than 200 will be left unhandled by the PID loop?
No the error would be treated as if it was 200. See max error below
