The main thing that will affect "smoothness" is the Acceleration setting in the Trajectory Planner. The acceleration will determine how fast the motion slows down and speeds up.i am trying to find out how to set the machine to make smooth transitions from one segment to an other, lets say it start cutting a straight line at 400 ipm, then slow down almost stop at the corner make the turn and accelerate again to the next point, like driving a car.
it is all this controlled by the parameters facet angle, corner tolerance, collinear tolerance, break angle?
The Break Angle determines if the machine will stop at the corner or not. If the change in direction between the two lines is more than the Break Angle then the motion will come to a complete stop at the corner.
If the change in direction is less than the break angle then the corner will be rounded and the motion will not come to a complete stop. The Corner Tolerance will determine how much the corner is rounded. The larger the corner tolerance the less the motion will need to be slowed down to make the Corner (curve).
You might see here and here.