This is my current Setup and MPG
Code: Select all
#include "KMotionDef.h"
// Defines axis 0, 1, 2 as simple step dir outputs
// enables them
// sets them as an xyz coordinate system for GCode
#define DISABLE_DELAY 5.0 // seconds after host stops to disable the thing
// Example Function as "smooth" MPG motion example
// which makes use of the exponential motion command.
// Additionally double Filtered to be very smoot with limited Jerk
#define TAU 0.01 // smoothness factor (Low Pass Time constant seconds for MoveExp)
#define TAU1 0.015 // smoothness factor (Low Pass Time constant seconds for pre filter 1)
#define TAU2 0.015 // smoothness factor (Low Pass Time constant seconds for pre filter 2)
#define FINAL_TIME 1.0 // Set final dest after this amount of time with no change
#define MPG_INPUT_AXIS 5 // Axis used to read hardware encoder (not necessarily the encoder channel)
#define increment 7
#define machAxis 8
#define XSTEPS 10240 // X Axis Steps Per Inch
#define YSTEPS 10240 // Y Axis Steps Per Inch
#define ZSTEPS 10000 // Z Axis Steps Per Inch
#define ASTEPS 400 // A Axis Steps Per Degree
#define BSTEPS 1000 // B Axis Steps Per Degree
#define CSTEPS -11.3777777 // C Axis Steps Per Degree
void ServiceMPG(void);
AddKonnect(0, &VirtualBits, VirtualBitsEx);
ch0->InputMode = NO_INPUT_MODE;
ch0->OutputMode = STEP_DIR_MODE;
ch0->Vel = 40000;
ch0->Accel = 400000;
ch0->Jerk = 4e+006;
ch0->P = 0;
ch0->I = 0.01;
ch0->D = 0;
ch0->FFAccel = 0;
ch0->FFVel = 0;
ch0->MaxI = 200;
ch0->MaxErr = 1e+006;
ch0->MaxOutput = 200;
ch0->DeadBandGain = 1;
ch0->DeadBandRange = 0;
ch0->InputChan0 = 1;
ch0->InputChan1 = 0;
ch0->OutputChan0 = 8;
ch0->OutputChan1 = 0;
ch0->MasterAxis = -1;
ch0->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x11f;
ch0->LimitSwitchNegBit = 1027;
ch0->LimitSwitchPosBit = 1027;
ch0->SoftLimitPos = 1e+009;
ch0->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+009;
ch0->InputGain0 = 1;
ch0->InputGain1 = 1;
ch0->InputOffset0 = 0;
ch0->InputOffset1 = 0;
ch0->OutputGain = 1;
ch0->OutputOffset = 0;
ch0->SlaveGain = 1;
ch0->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_LINEAR;
ch0->BacklashAmount = 20;
ch0->BacklashRate = 200000;
ch0->invDistPerCycle = 1;
ch0->Lead = 0;
ch0->MaxFollowingError = 1000000000;
ch0->StepperAmplitude = 20;
ch0->iir[0].B0 = 1;
ch0->iir[0].B1 = 0;
ch0->iir[0].B2 = 0;
ch0->iir[0].A1 = 0;
ch0->iir[0].A2 = 0;
ch0->iir[1].B0 = 1;
ch0->iir[1].B1 = 0;
ch0->iir[1].B2 = 0;
ch0->iir[1].A1 = 0;
ch0->iir[1].A2 = 0;
ch0->iir[2].B0 = 0.000769;
ch0->iir[2].B1 = 0.001538;
ch0->iir[2].B2 = 0.000769;
ch0->iir[2].A1 = 1.92081;
ch0->iir[2].A2 = -0.923885;
EnableAxisDest(0, 0);
ch1->InputMode = NO_INPUT_MODE;
ch1->OutputMode = STEP_DIR_MODE;
ch1->Vel = 40000;
ch1->Accel = 400000;
ch1->Jerk = 4e+006;
ch1->P = 0;
ch1->I = 0.01;
ch1->D = 0;
ch1->FFAccel = 0;
ch1->FFVel = 0;
ch1->MaxI = 200;
ch1->MaxErr = 1e+006;
ch1->MaxOutput = 200;
ch1->DeadBandGain = 1;
ch1->DeadBandRange = 0;
ch1->InputChan0 = 1;
ch1->InputChan1 = 0;
ch1->OutputChan0 = 9;
ch1->OutputChan1 = 0;
ch1->MasterAxis = -1;
ch1->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x11f;
ch1->LimitSwitchNegBit = 1028;
ch1->LimitSwitchPosBit = 1028;
ch1->SoftLimitPos = 1e+009;
ch1->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+009;
ch1->InputGain0 = 1;
ch1->InputGain1 = 1;
ch1->InputOffset0 = 0;
ch1->InputOffset1 = 0;
ch1->OutputGain = 1;
ch1->OutputOffset = 0;
ch1->SlaveGain = 1;
ch1->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_LINEAR;
ch1->BacklashAmount = 37;
ch1->BacklashRate = 200000;
ch1->invDistPerCycle = 1;
ch1->Lead = 0;
ch1->MaxFollowingError = 1000000000;
ch1->StepperAmplitude = 20;
ch1->iir[0].B0 = 1;
ch1->iir[0].B1 = 0;
ch1->iir[0].B2 = 0;
ch1->iir[0].A1 = 0;
ch1->iir[0].A2 = 0;
ch1->iir[1].B0 = 1;
ch1->iir[1].B1 = 0;
ch1->iir[1].B2 = 0;
ch1->iir[1].A1 = 0;
ch1->iir[1].A2 = 0;
ch1->iir[2].B0 = 0.000769;
ch1->iir[2].B1 = 0.001538;
ch1->iir[2].B2 = 0.000769;
ch1->iir[2].A1 = 1.92081;
ch1->iir[2].A2 = -0.923885;
EnableAxisDest(1, 0);
ch2->InputMode = NO_INPUT_MODE;
ch2->OutputMode = STEP_DIR_MODE;
ch2->Vel = 40000;
ch2->Accel = 400000;
ch2->Jerk = 4e+006;
ch2->P = 0;
ch2->I = 0.01;
ch2->D = 0;
ch2->FFAccel = 0;
ch2->FFVel = 0;
ch2->MaxI = 200;
ch2->MaxErr = 1e+006;
ch2->MaxOutput = 200;
ch2->DeadBandGain = 1;
ch2->DeadBandRange = 0;
ch2->InputChan0 = 2;
ch2->InputChan1 = 0;
ch2->OutputChan0 = 10;
ch2->OutputChan1 = 0;
ch2->MasterAxis = -1;
ch2->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x11f;
ch2->LimitSwitchNegBit = 1029;
ch2->LimitSwitchPosBit = 1029;
ch2->SoftLimitPos = 1e+009;
ch2->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+009;
ch2->InputGain0 = 1;
ch2->InputGain1 = 1;
ch2->InputOffset0 = 0;
ch2->InputOffset1 = 0;
ch2->OutputGain = 1;
ch2->OutputOffset = 0;
ch2->SlaveGain = 1;
ch2->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_OFF;
ch2->BacklashAmount = 0;
ch2->BacklashRate = 0;
ch2->invDistPerCycle = 1;
ch2->Lead = 0;
ch2->MaxFollowingError = 1000000000;
ch2->StepperAmplitude = 20;
ch2->iir[0].B0 = 1;
ch2->iir[0].B1 = 0;
ch2->iir[0].B2 = 0;
ch2->iir[0].A1 = 0;
ch2->iir[0].A2 = 0;
ch2->iir[1].B0 = 1;
ch2->iir[1].B1 = 0;
ch2->iir[1].B2 = 0;
ch2->iir[1].A1 = 0;
ch2->iir[1].A2 = 0;
ch2->iir[2].B0 = 0.000769;
ch2->iir[2].B1 = 0.001538;
ch2->iir[2].B2 = 0.000769;
ch2->iir[2].A1 = 1.92081;
ch2->iir[2].A2 = -0.923885;
EnableAxisDest(2, 0);
ch3->InputMode = NO_INPUT_MODE;
ch3->OutputMode = STEP_DIR_MODE;
ch3->Vel = 70000;
ch3->Accel = 100000;
ch3->Jerk = 4e+006;
ch3->P = 0;
ch3->I = 0.01;
ch3->D = 0;
ch3->FFAccel = 0;
ch3->FFVel = 0;
ch3->MaxI = 200;
ch3->MaxErr = 1e+006;
ch3->MaxOutput = 200;
ch3->DeadBandGain = 1;
ch3->DeadBandRange = 0;
ch3->InputChan0 = 8;
ch3->InputChan1 = 0;
ch3->OutputChan0 = 11;
ch3->OutputChan1 = 0;
ch3->MasterAxis = -1;
ch3->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x100;
ch3->LimitSwitchNegBit = 0;
ch3->LimitSwitchPosBit = 0;
ch3->SoftLimitPos = 1e+009;
ch3->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+009;
ch3->InputGain0 = 1;
ch3->InputGain1 = 1;
ch3->InputOffset0 = 0;
ch3->InputOffset1 = 0;
ch3->OutputGain = -1;
ch3->OutputOffset = 0;
ch3->SlaveGain = 1;
ch3->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_OFF;
ch3->BacklashAmount = 0;
ch3->BacklashRate = 0;
ch3->invDistPerCycle = 1;
ch3->Lead = 0;
ch3->MaxFollowingError = 1000000000;
ch3->StepperAmplitude = 20;
ch3->iir[0].B0 = 1;
ch3->iir[0].B1 = 0;
ch3->iir[0].B2 = 0;
ch3->iir[0].A1 = 0;
ch3->iir[0].A2 = 0;
ch3->iir[1].B0 = 1;
ch3->iir[1].B1 = 0;
ch3->iir[1].B2 = 0;
ch3->iir[1].A1 = 0;
ch3->iir[1].A2 = 0;
ch3->iir[2].B0 = 0.000769;
ch3->iir[2].B1 = 0.001538;
ch3->iir[2].B2 = 0.000769;
ch3->iir[2].A1 = 1.92081;
ch3->iir[2].A2 = -0.923885;
EnableAxisDest(3, 0);
ch4->InputMode = NO_INPUT_MODE;
ch4->OutputMode = STEP_DIR_MODE;
ch4->Vel = 40000;
ch4->Accel = 400000;
ch4->Jerk = 4e+006;
ch4->P = 0.2;
ch4->I = 0;
ch4->D = 0;
ch4->FFAccel = 0;
ch4->FFVel = 0;
ch4->MaxI = 200;
ch4->MaxErr = 200;
ch4->MaxOutput = 200;
ch4->DeadBandGain = 1;
ch4->DeadBandRange = 0;
ch4->InputChan0 = 4;
ch4->InputChan1 = 0;
ch4->OutputChan0 = 12;
ch4->OutputChan1 = 0;
ch4->MasterAxis = -1;
ch4->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x100;
ch4->LimitSwitchNegBit = 0;
ch4->LimitSwitchPosBit = 0;
ch4->SoftLimitPos = 1e+009;
ch4->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+009;
ch4->InputGain0 = 1;
ch4->InputGain1 = 1;
ch4->InputOffset0 = 0;
ch4->InputOffset1 = 0;
ch4->OutputGain = -1;
ch4->OutputOffset = 0;
ch4->SlaveGain = 1;
ch4->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_OFF;
ch4->BacklashAmount = 0;
ch4->BacklashRate = 0;
ch4->invDistPerCycle = 1;
ch4->Lead = 0;
ch4->MaxFollowingError = 10000000;
ch4->StepperAmplitude = 250;
ch4->iir[0].B0 = 1;
ch4->iir[0].B1 = 0;
ch4->iir[0].B2 = 0;
ch4->iir[0].A1 = 0;
ch4->iir[0].A2 = 0;
ch4->iir[1].B0 = 1;
ch4->iir[1].B1 = 0;
ch4->iir[1].B2 = 0;
ch4->iir[1].A1 = 0;
ch4->iir[1].A2 = 0;
ch4->iir[2].B0 = 1;
ch4->iir[2].B1 = 0;
ch4->iir[2].B2 = 0;
ch4->iir[2].A1 = 0;
ch4->iir[2].A2 = 0;
EnableAxisDest(4, 0);
ch5->InputMode = ENCODER_MODE;
ch5->OutputMode = NO_OUTPUT_MODE;
ch5->Vel = 40000;
ch5->Accel = 400000;
ch5->Jerk = 4e+006;
ch5->P = 0.2;
ch5->I = 0;
ch5->D = 0;
ch5->FFAccel = 0;
ch5->FFVel = 0;
ch5->MaxI = 200;
ch5->MaxErr = 200;
ch5->MaxOutput = 200;
ch5->DeadBandGain = 1;
ch5->DeadBandRange = 0;
ch5->InputChan0 = 0;
ch5->InputChan1 = 1;
ch5->OutputChan0 = 5;
ch5->OutputChan1 = 1;
ch5->MasterAxis = -1;
ch5->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x100;
ch5->LimitSwitchNegBit = 0;
ch5->LimitSwitchPosBit = 0;
ch5->SoftLimitPos = 1e+009;
ch5->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+009;
ch5->InputGain0 = 1;
ch5->InputGain1 = 1;
ch5->InputOffset0 = 0;
ch5->InputOffset1 = 0;
ch5->OutputGain = 1;
ch5->OutputOffset = 0;
ch5->SlaveGain = 1;
ch5->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_OFF;
ch5->BacklashAmount = 0;
ch5->BacklashRate = 0;
ch5->invDistPerCycle = 1;
ch5->Lead = 0;
ch5->MaxFollowingError = 10000000;
ch5->StepperAmplitude = 250;
ch5->iir[0].B0 = 1;
ch5->iir[0].B1 = 0;
ch5->iir[0].B2 = 0;
ch5->iir[0].A1 = 0;
ch5->iir[0].A2 = 0;
ch5->iir[1].B0 = 1;
ch5->iir[1].B1 = 0;
ch5->iir[1].B2 = 0;
ch5->iir[1].A1 = 0;
ch5->iir[1].A2 = 0;
ch5->iir[2].B0 = 1;
ch5->iir[2].B1 = 0;
ch5->iir[2].B2 = 0;
ch5->iir[2].A1 = 0;
ch5->iir[2].A2 = 0;
DefineCoordSystem(0, 1, 2, 4);
for (;;)
static int PrevStatusRequestCounter = -1; // TOFIX: what about overflow?
static double LastRequestTime = 0.;
SetBitDirection(60, 1);
SetBitDirection(63, 1);
if (StatusRequestCounter != PrevStatusRequestCounter)
{ // if there has been a request
LastRequestTime = Time_sec(); // remember time of this change
SetBit(63); // ENABLE / Set HERE // NB: setting a bit that's already set *may* cause problems, if so then make this conditional upon the current status
// remember the StatusRequestCounter for the next time around
PrevStatusRequestCounter = StatusRequestCounter;
{ // there hasn't been a request
// has it been long enough since the last request?
if ((Time_sec() - LastRequestTime) > DISABLE_DELAY)
ClearBit(60); // Trigger servo estop
Delay_sec(2); // Wait for servos
ClearBit(63); // Shut down main power
// Example Function as "smooth" MPG motion example
// which makes use of the exponential motion command.
// Additionally double Filtered to be very smoot with limited Jerk
void ServiceMPG(void)
double IncrementValue = *(double *)&persist.UserData[(increment - 1) * 2]; // Get increment value
double AxisSteps;
static int Pos, FirstTime = TRUE;
static int InMotion = FALSE, Axis, LastAxis = -1;
static double LastChangeTime = 0, Target, Factor = 0;
static double Target1, Target2, K1, K2, K1M, K2M;
static double Td;
int Change1, NewPos;
if (FirstTime)
Pos = chan[MPG_INPUT_AXIS].Position;
K1 = exp(-2 * TIMEBASE / TAU1); // filter coefficients
K2 = exp(-2 * TIMEBASE / TAU2);
K1M = 1.0 - K1;
K2M = 1.0 - K2;
FirstTime = FALSE;
NewPos = chan[MPG_INPUT_AXIS].Position;
Change1 = NewPos - Pos;
Pos = NewPos;
Axis = *(double *)&persist.UserData[(machAxis - 1) * 2];
if (Axis == 6 || JOB_ACTIVE) // if not button pressed or Job Active ignore the encoder.
Change1 = 0;
if (Axis == 0) // Select X Steps per unit
AxisSteps = XSTEPS;
else if (Axis == 1) // Select Y Steps per unit
AxisSteps = YSTEPS;
else if (Axis == 2) // Select Z Steps per unit
AxisSteps = ZSTEPS;
else if (Axis == 4) // Select A Steps per unit
AxisSteps = ASTEPS;
else if (Axis == 5) // Select B Steps per unit
AxisSteps = BSTEPS;
else if (Axis == 3) // Select C Steps per unit
AxisSteps = CSTEPS;
Factor = (AxisSteps * IncrementValue) / 4;
//if (Time_sec() > Td + .25)
// Td = Time_sec();
// printf("Axis = %d, Pos = %d, NewPos = %d, Change1 = %d\n",Axis, Pos, NewPos, Change1);
// Feedhold fully stopped ??
if (CS0_StoppingState == 4 && InMotion)
Change1 = 0; // ignore any MPG change
Jog(LastAxis, 0);
InMotion = FALSE;
// check if the Axis just changed or we have been
// converging to the target for a long time
if (Axis != LastAxis || (InMotion && Time_sec() > LastChangeTime + FINAL_TIME))
if (InMotion)
Move(LastAxis, Target1); //finalize any motion
LastAxis = Axis;
InMotion = FALSE;
if (Change1) // did we move?
if (!InMotion)
Target = Target1 = Target2 = chan[Axis].Dest;
Target1 += Change1 * Factor;
LastChangeTime = Time_sec();
InMotion = TRUE;
if (InMotion) // If moving
if (Target1 > chan[LastAxis].SoftLimitPos)
Target1 = chan[LastAxis].SoftLimitPos;
if (Target1 < chan[LastAxis].SoftLimitNeg)
Target1 = chan[LastAxis].SoftLimitNeg;
Target2 = Target2 * K1 + Target1 * K1M;
Target = Target * K2 + Target2 * K2M;
MoveExp(Axis, Target, TAU);
This is the notify with the probe
Code: Select all
#include "KMotionDef.h"
//Plugin calls for Mach3 NotifyPlugins Commands
#define X 0
#define Y 1
#define Z 2
float DecelTimeForAxis(int axis);
//if (msg==10084)
int msg = persist.UserData[6]; // Mach3 notify Message 10000-10999
printf("Mach3 Notify Call, Message = %d\n",msg);
if (msg==10100)
// adjust the commanded position to match the glass scale encoder
if (msg==10101)
// adjust the commanded position to match the glass scale encoder
if (msg==10102)
// adjust the commanded position to match the glass scale encoder
if (msg==10500)
if (CS0_StoppingState == 0)
if (msg==10300)
// User wants to disable Z (switch to OL)
chan[Z].OutputMode = STEP_DIR_MODE;
if (msg==10301)
// User wants to enable Z (switch to CL)
chan[Z].OutputMode = CL_STEP_DIR_MODE;
// handles probing
// flag is 0 - while watching for probe hit
// flag is 1 - if probe was already set from start
// flag is 2 - after successful probe hit
// flag is 3 - Tells Plugin to upload status (3) to
// DRO 1100 and let User handle the error
// returns the captured results in User Variables
// X - 50+51
// Y - 52+53
// Z - 54+55
// A - 56+57
// B - 58+59
// C - 60+61
// status result 62
#define PROBE_BIT 44
#define PROBE_ERROR_HANDLING 0 // 0 Stops Mach3 on probe error
// #define PROBE_ERROR_HANDLING 3 // 3 User must query DRO 1100 and handle error
if (msg==20000)
double *d = (double *)&persist.UserData[MACH3_PROBE_RESULTS_VAR];
int flag=1;
SetBitDirection(16,1); // set as output for scope pulse
ClearBit(16); // set low
SetBit(16); // trigger for scope
if (CS0_axis_x>=0) d[0]=chan[CS0_axis_x].Dest;
if (CS0_axis_y>=0) d[1]=chan[CS0_axis_y].Dest;
if (CS0_axis_z>=0) d[2]=chan[CS0_axis_z].Dest;
if (CS0_axis_a>=0) d[3]=chan[CS0_axis_a].Dest;
if (CS0_axis_b>=0) d[4]=chan[CS0_axis_b].Dest;
if (CS0_axis_c>=0) d[5]=chan[CS0_axis_c].Dest;
printf("Z Probe = %f\n", d[2]);