Fanuc Retrofit

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Fanuc Retrofit

Post by EondeK » Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:24 pm


I was just wondering if anyone has done an upgrade to fit KMotion on a Fanuc machine. From what I can see, the following is possible:
1) Using a Pico board, one can get the encoder signals of the Fanuc Red (3 Phase brushless) motors
2) Interfacing to The Fanuc drives seems to be a challenge as the require 6 phase inputs from the controller. I have not been able to find any board on the market to generate the 6 phase outputs. Any ideas?

It looks like one will have to replace the drives with something which can accept 10V analog or step-direction signals. There seems to be a few drives able to do that.

Any comments please.

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Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:03 am

Re: Fanuc Retrofit

Post by battwell » Mon Jul 23, 2018 11:04 am

allen bradley ultra 3000 drives are perfect for this. (find them cheap on ebay- i had 4 for £150 (you can use the cheaper sercos ones too)
they can run step/direction and are quite easy to set up and tune .
the fanucs use weird comutation. the allen bradleys can use auto sense (wobble commutation) so the weird hall setup isnt required.
i have just fitted 4 of them in an old fanuc machine using red cap motors. (one as an indexing spindle drive required to locate the spindle for atc)
you can see them running on my youtube channel- automateanything

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