Set CNC Axis Position
Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 4:14 am
Good Evening,
Does anyone know if there is a way to make a fixture offset with a C program? I have a touchoff Block that is a known distance above my material, I have a program that will jog the tool down until it makes contact and then stop. From there I manually enter the offset height by pressing "Set" on KMotionCNC. Is there a way to do this automatically? I dont want to change the machine coordinates, just the global offset in Z.
Does anyone know if there is a way to make a fixture offset with a C program? I have a touchoff Block that is a known distance above my material, I have a program that will jog the tool down until it makes contact and then stop. From there I manually enter the offset height by pressing "Set" on KMotionCNC. Is there a way to do this automatically? I dont want to change the machine coordinates, just the global offset in Z.