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Launch on power up.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:25 pm
by kdjohn
I have tried configuring the Kflop to run the Init program when powered up.
I have compiled, Downloaded the program to Thread 1.
I have selected the power on boot option for Thread 1 and flashed to user memory.
Powered the Kflop off.
When powered back on it does not execute the Init program.
If I have the Init program open in the C programs window and press "run", it works like a champ.
If I press the Init button on the KmotionCNC screen, it works like a champ.
I am attaching images of the Init program and all of the config screens.
Init program
Flash Complete.PNG
Flash complete screen
Flash Complete.PNG (2.27 KiB) Viewed 1106 times
Config screen.PNG
KmotionCNC config screen
Config Flash.PNG
Config and Flash screen

Re: Launch on power up.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:13 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi kdjohn,

Could one of those routines be waiting for something from the PC?

You would need to post the actual code and the included files not a screen shot for us to help.

The steps you are performing to Flash seem correct, but you might Flash BlinkKFLOP.c as a test.