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Differential and Open Collector

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:30 am
by cemoa9

I am trying to get my AASD drive working in step-dir, whatever I do they do not move neither seem to receive the step-dir signal, they are at the moment connected in Open collector according to their diagram, but I am suspecting that it just does not support it. Is there a way to connect Kflop in differential ? (without using 3rd party adapters)



PS: with steppers it works fine.

Re: Differential and Open Collector

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 3:40 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Francois,

I Googled and found this:
I would think connecting PP+ to +5V and PP- to KFLOP in Open collector mode would work. What exactly have you tried? Their normal open collector mode requires 24V which KFLOP does not support.

I think the Drive also accepts Quadrature pulses which would be the preferred mode and allow higher step rates.

Re: Differential and Open Collector

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:36 pm
by cemoa9
Hello Tom,

So using you rmethod works, I tried using the one described on the right, but as you mentionned it does not work.

According to the doc the drives it supports quadrature pulses (Pn96 if somebody looks for it).

Thank you very much.

