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Regarding maximum speed input for each axis in kflop+kanalog board

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:28 am
by AmitKumar171
Hi tom,

I am using kflop and i want to know the maximum speed (mm Per minute / Inch per minute) input of each axis supported by kflop .

I want to connect a servo motor in analog voltage (+/-10v) velocity control mode connection to KLFOP+KANALOG.with maximum speed i want is 60000 mmpm. with counts / mm is 10000.

Does KLFOP+KANALOG will support 60000mmpm.?

means what is the maximum pulses/sec supported by kflop in each axis channels ?

Waiting for your kind reply.

Re: Regarding maximum speed input for each axis in kflop+kanalog board

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:50 am
by TomKerekes
Hi Amit,

KFLOP encoder inputs accept up to 1 million quadrature counts/second.

I assume 10000 counts/mm is a mistake? 0.1nm ?

Re: Regarding maximum speed input for each axis in kflop+kanalog board

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:02 am
by AmitKumar171
Hi tom,

Thanks for your reply.

That 10000counts / mm i am setting in trajectory planner of kmotioncnc and Motor drive as well.

Is that value 1 million quadrature counts/second is per axis channel or combined all 8 channel ?????

Waiting for your kind reply.

Re: Regarding maximum speed input for each axis in kflop+kanalog board

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:11 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Amit,
That 10000counts / mm i am setting in trajectory planner of kmotioncnc and Motor drive as well.
The units in KMotionCNC Trajectory Planner are in inches not mm. So if 10000 counts per inch that would be 393.7 counts per mm, which would be much more reasonable. So the maximum speed would be:

1000000 counts/s / 393.7 counts/mm = 2540 mm/s = 152400 mmpm

Is that value 1 million quadrature counts/second is per axis channel or combined all 8 channel ?????
1 million quadrature counts/second on all 8 encoder inputs simultaneously.

Re: Regarding maximum speed input for each axis in kflop+kanalog board

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:02 am
by AmitKumar171
Hi tom,

Thanks for your reply.

I understand what you said. But i am using 2000 counts/mm for each axis.

So what will be the maximum speed that i can achieve using that.

As in your calculation if i use 2000 counts/mm for each axis then

1000000 counts/s / 2000 counts/mm = 500 mm/s = 30000 mmpm

Is my calculation is right????

if not give me calculation for 2000 counts/mm.

Waiting for your kind reply.

Re: Regarding maximum speed input for each axis in kflop+kanalog board

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:30 pm
by TomKerekes
That is correct.

But in that case the trajectory Planner should be set to:
2000 counts/mm x 25.4mm/inch = 50800 counts/inch

Re: Regarding maximum speed input for each axis in kflop+kanalog board

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:06 am
by AmitKumar171
hi tom,

Thanks for your reply.