MPG knob inputs
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:14 am
I picked up one of the typical cheap 6 axis MPG's. I wired the A/B signals to my kanalog and wired the rest of it to JP6 per the various examples out there.
My issue is that the selectors bits are all randomly bouncing high causing multiple axis to attempt to move and jerky motion. With just the A/B signals and power connected I get smooth motion (hard coded the C program to just move the 0 axis channel).
The cable run is ~20 feet from the back of the machine to the operator console. I have tried the original twisted pair shielded cable that was run through the machine for the original VGA and touch screen connections. I have also tried using an SFTP cable. Same results. With a multimeter on the selector outputs I get .02-.04 volts when they are inactive. 3.3V when active. When disconnected from kflop they are 0v when inactive and 3.3v when active.
Kflop/kanalog/konnect are powered by the same PC power supply that runs the computer. I tried an isolated power supply and had the same result.
Any simple way to solve this? I thought about trying to drive the selector switches at 5v and attaching them to kanalog opto in instead of JP6 but would rather not if I can avoid it.
I picked up one of the typical cheap 6 axis MPG's. I wired the A/B signals to my kanalog and wired the rest of it to JP6 per the various examples out there.
My issue is that the selectors bits are all randomly bouncing high causing multiple axis to attempt to move and jerky motion. With just the A/B signals and power connected I get smooth motion (hard coded the C program to just move the 0 axis channel).
The cable run is ~20 feet from the back of the machine to the operator console. I have tried the original twisted pair shielded cable that was run through the machine for the original VGA and touch screen connections. I have also tried using an SFTP cable. Same results. With a multimeter on the selector outputs I get .02-.04 volts when they are inactive. 3.3V when active. When disconnected from kflop they are 0v when inactive and 3.3v when active.
Kflop/kanalog/konnect are powered by the same PC power supply that runs the computer. I tried an isolated power supply and had the same result.
Any simple way to solve this? I thought about trying to drive the selector switches at 5v and attaching them to kanalog opto in instead of JP6 but would rather not if I can avoid it.