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Connecting Two Kflops Together

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:20 pm
by cyprian21
Hi there,

I searched the forums but did not see if anyone already asked this.

My application will require more than 8 axis. Can you cluster two Kflop boards together so that you can control up to 16 axis?

If yes, is there any documentation on this topic?

Thank you kindly,

Re: Connecting Two Kflops Together

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:06 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Cyprian,

Multiple KFLOPs can be added to a PC. Your App can send commands to each board independently. But the axes across multiple boards will not be real time synchronized unless you add some sort of real-time communication or trigger signal between the KFLOPs. What are the requirements of your application? See here.