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Heater connected on Knozz Nozz FET is not working after some time

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 5:55 am
by AmitKumar171
Hi tom ,

I am using Knozz for powering up Bed heater as well as Nozz Heater for my printing head and bed respectively.

I am using 1000k thermistor that is calibrated to reach a temperature of upto 285 degree C.

And bed thermistor is also 1000k thermistor that is also calibrated for reaching temperature upto 150 degree C.

The issue i am facing is heater is not heating sometimes when it is heated by command M100 P280 Q150.

In my case i am also connecting external 3 50w heater to heat the bed more also, some of that heat is also absorbed by nozzle heater too.

So sometimes nozzle heater stops working. Bed heater is working fine.

How to resolve this issue ? , i want to connect both bed and nozzle heater and run them simultaneously.

When i check the counts and voltage as well as led indicator in kflop is also showing voltage, and sufficient counts are applied, voltage is also coming, LED indicator of nozzle heater is also glowing but nozzle heater temperature is not increasing. Temperature is stuck sometimes at 80, 150 etc.

Please suggest approprate solution to this problem.

Re: Heater connected on Knozz Nozz FET is not working after some time

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:39 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Amit,
LED indicator of nozzle heater is also glowing but nozzle heater temperature is not increasing.
What voltage do you measure across the nozzle heater element? What nozzle heater power supply voltage are you using?

Re: Heater connected on Knozz Nozz FET is not working after some time

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 5:59 am
by AmitKumar171
Hi tom,

Thanks for your reply.
What voltage do you measure across the nozzle heater element?
I am measuring 11.89V at nozzle heater element.
What nozzle heater power supply voltage are you using?
I am using 12V nozzle power supply.

Waiting for your kind reply.

Re: Heater connected on Knozz Nozz FET is not working after some time

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:44 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Amit,

If full supply voltage is on the heater element what else are you expecting?