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Low current motors and KSTEP

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:16 am
by gonzalo
Hi Tom,

I have to control motors with a maximum current per phase of 0.6A. In the KSTEP I put the configuration to the mínimum current using the jumpers, but still the current is upper the motor limit (0.63A) and get a lot of heat.

My question is, there is any mode to reduce the current for the stepper motors when the motor is holded (not moving?), many other drivers have it and it helps to mantain the motors at lower temperature. If not, there is another method to reduce the current?

Many thanks!!

Re: Low current motors and KSTEP

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:01 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi gonzolo,

KStep doesn't have an current reduction on idle option. You can have a C Program watch for no motion for some period of time and then turn off the current completely. This is included in the KStep examples.

Re: Low current motors and KSTEP

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:27 am
by gonzalo
Hi Tom,

Would be a good option in the future if you can add a current reduction pin in the KSTEP as cutting the amplifiers and turning on again for stepper motors produces a small mechanical jump, then is not desired as you loose the real position. I will do a reduction current with additional resistances.

Many thanks!!