experiencing unusal temperature in my stepper motor

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Re: experiencing unusal temperature in my stepper motor

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:02 pm

The motor volatage is around 5V AND While driving via plc we power up the drive with 24v and the drive power up the motor.
That doesn't answer my questions. What matters is the motor power supply voltages in each case. The drive has a rating of 24-36V. KStep has a rating from 12-48V. What are/were you using?

the resistance is common for both series and parallel.
Well no. The total resistance will be different if the coils are wired in parallel or series.

are you saying about clearbit45 or disableaxis command.i usally use clearbit45.
Bit45 will disable the Amplifier and stop heating the motor. Disabling the Axis will only stop motion.

That pdf doesn't specify the temperature specification. You would need to research further.

The 2DM542 Drive has a Standstill current option (SW4). Were you using it? This may be why it wasn't the same temperature when using it.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: experiencing unusal temperature in my stepper motor

Post by ajith » Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:32 am

Respected Sir,
That doesn't answer my questions. What matters is the motor power supply voltages in each case. The drive has a rating of 24-36V. KStep has a rating from 12-48V. What are/were you using?
the motor power supply voltage is around 24V.
The total resistance will be different if the coils are wired in parallel or series.
the motor is connected in series. if its different the resistance value is not available in the datasheet.i think we need to calculate.
Bit45 will disable the Amplifier and stop heating the motor. Disabling the Axis will only stop motion.
yeah thanks for the differentating both bit45 and disableAxis.
That pdf doesn't specify the temperature specification. You would need to research further
the pdf was datasheet gave to us by the vendor whom we purchased the motor.still i have been researching about the motor operating temperature.
The 2DM542 Drive has a Standstill current option (SW4). Were you using it? This may be why it wasn't the same temperature when using it.
we dont use SW4 while using the driver with plc. but now we have been connecting the motor with kflop with out the driver.

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Re: experiencing unusal temperature in my stepper motor

Post by TomKerekes » Tue Jun 14, 2022 7:14 pm

the motor is connected in series. if its different the resistance value is not available in the datasheet.i think we need to calculate.
I don't see how it could be calculated. Either contact the manufacturer and ask what the value represents or measure it.
we dont use SW4 while using the driver with plc. but now we have been connecting the motor with kflop with out the driver.
I don't understand what you mean by you don't use it. How was it set? What mode?

Tom Kerekes
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Re: experiencing unusal temperature in my stepper motor

Post by ajith » Thu Jun 23, 2022 4:31 am

I don't see how it could be calculated. Either contact the manufacturer and ask what the value represents or measure it.
In the datasheet the resistance/phase(for one motor) is given 0.45 ohms. each motor we used is 2phase.so the resistance will around 0.9 ohm per motor
each motor operating temperature is around 20 degree to 50 degree.the motor is connected in series.

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Re: experiencing unusal temperature in my stepper motor

Post by ajith » Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:14 am

Dear Sir,
May I know whether the motor wiring should be in parallel or on series?

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Re: experiencing unusal temperature in my stepper motor

Post by TomKerekes » Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:15 pm

Hi ajih,
In the datasheet the resistance/phase(for one motor) is given 0.45 ohms. each motor we used is 2phase.so the resistance will around 0.9 ohm per motor
The motor has 4 coils. 2 on one phase as 2 on the other. So when the spec says 0.45 ohms/phase it isn't clear what they mean. The simplest thing would be to wire the coils in series and measure with an Ohmmeter.
each motor operating temperature is around 20 degree to 50 degree
I think 50C is quite normal for a Stepper.
the motor is connected in series
So I believe the current setting for series should be 2.5A. Is it?
May I know whether the motor wiring should be in parallel or on series?
That depends on your requirements and motor supply voltage and current? What are the specs on your supply? Parallel usually allows the motor to operate at higher speeds. If you don't need more speed I would operate in Series.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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