KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

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KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by ikuo » Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:42 pm

Today I have received a new KFLOP board and set up KMotion and KFLOP USB driver on Windows 10.
But it rarely connects to KFLOP.

Most of time when I launch KMotion, it shows the UI but quits in several seconds without showing any message.

When "lucky", KMotion shows the UI with title text "KMotion - Connected" and does not quit.
This time, "Version" commands shows "KFLOP 4.34".

In both cases, the two LED on KFLOP is ON (not blinking).

I tried the followings but no luck:
1) Uninstall and re-install the device and the driver in Windows.
2) Enable and disable USB power by the jumper pin.
3) Enable and disable 5V power supply on JR1 connector.
4) Reboot Windows.
5) Connect USB cable to other USB ports.
6) Disable automatic power OFF of USB root hub.

Where should I check?

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Re: KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by TomKerekes » Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:47 pm

Hi ikuo,
Most of time when I launch KMotion, it shows the UI but quits in several seconds without showing any message.
It isn't clear what you mean by this. KMotion.exe quits? Is it still shown in Windows Task Manager? Does KMotion.exe run ok without a KFLOP Connected?

What Version of KMotion are you running? You might try Version 4.35b and install the USB Driver from that Version.

You might try disabling Windows Defender or any anti Virus software you might have.

Did you perform all Windows Updates?

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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Re: KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by ikuo » Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:23 am

Hi TomKerekes,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes KMotion.exe quits. I performed all Windows Updates. "About KMotion" dialog shows "KMotion/KFLOP 4.34"
It does not shown in Windows Task Manager after it suddenly quits.
KMotion.exe quits in several seconds without a KFLOP connected to USB port.

I also tried the followings, but no luck.

7) Uninstall McAfee anti-virus software and reboot Windows. (and no other 3rd party anti-virus software)
8) Disable real-time protection of Windows Defender.

I'll try KMotion 4.35b later.

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Re: KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by ikuo » Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:33 pm

ikuo wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:23 am
I'll try KMotion 4.35b later.
I tried but no luck.

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Re: KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by ikuo » Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:23 pm

After KMotion.exe luckily connects to KFLOP device, when I push "Download Channel" button in Configuration, KMotion.exe became unresponsive.

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Re: KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:19 pm

Hi ikuo,

Strange. Must be something odd about the PC or what you are doing. I've never observed or heard of such an issue.

Is there anything unusual about the PC? Maybe try a different PC.

What other software/hardware do you have on the PC?

Is it W10 64-bit or 32-bit? (Although it shouldn't matter).

Do you have Administrative privileges?

If Windows' Regional settings are set to something other than US English you might try setting to US English.

Is KMotion installed in the default location? C:\KMotion435b

I'd suggest focusing on the issue of KMotion.exe quitting without any KFLOP connected as this is simpler and involves the PC only with no hardware.

Does KMotionCNC.exe also quit spontaneously?

What about SimpleFormsCS.exe? It is a .NET based program instead of an MFC based program.

Any other programs on the PC have issues?

I suppose you could load Visual Studio 2015 and use the Debugger to determine what is failing.

Sorry for no simple answer.

Tom Kerekes
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Re: KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by Moray » Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:42 pm

That sounds just like how Windows Defender kills apps it doesn't trust.
When Windows Defender flags an app as unknown/suspicious, it will sandbox it, and kill it. Sometimes you get a warning, sometimes you don't. Once Microsoft have analysed the app (usually takes anything from a couple days to a couple weeks), Windows Defender will then let it run as expected.

I'd try disabling Windows Defender (or whatever anti virus you're using), and see if things run as expected.

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Re: KMotion rarely connects to KFLOP via USB on Windows 10

Post by ikuo » Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:16 am

Hi TomKerakes

Thank you for the detailed feedback.

When I get a chance, I'll try a different PC.

One thing that came to my mind is that I have Hyper-V enabled.

It's Windows 10 64-bit Professional edition.

I have Administrative privileges and 9) tried "run with Admin" but no luck.

KMotion is installed in the default location.

Focusing on the issue of KMotion.exe quitting without any KFLOP connected,
I'll try English locale, KMotionCNC.exe, SimpleFormsCS.exe and Visual Studio 2015 later.


Hi Moray,

Thank you for your reply.
I tried disabling real-time protection of Windows Defender but no luck as 8) in my previous report ... 3234#p3234

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