Re: Code test
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:05 pm
Code: Select all
BOOL pure_angle;
// compute total distance tool will move by considering both linear and angular movements
double d = FeedRateDistance(dx, dy, dz, da, db, dc, &pure_angle);
if (d==0.0 && !RapidMode) return 0; // ignore zero length moves
// if this move is expected to take more than 1/2th of the download time then break int0 2 parts (recursively)
// (or if greater than the Kinematics length (line might actually be curved in actuator space)
MaxLength = FeedRateToUse * MP->TPLookahead/2.0;
if (MP->MaxLinearLength < MaxLength) MaxLength = MP->MaxLinearLength;
if (!m_Simulate && !pure_angle && d > MaxLength)