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Use of Filters When Using "Smart Servo Drives"

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 5:39 pm
by Druid_ON
Hi Tom,

I apologize if this question has been asked before...

When using a so called "smart servo drive" like Estun Pronet 10A will changing the IIR filters settings pass on through to the servo drive to modify
the behavior of the servo motor?
Thank you!

best regards

Ref ... -estun.pdf

Re: Use of Filters When Using "Smart Servo Drives"

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 6:14 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Kieth,

It depends on what interface you are using. Those drives accept Step/Direction position pulses and also +/-10V analog Velocity/Torque inputs. When using Step/Dir interface KFLOP is basically telling the drive where to go and the Drive determines how to move the motor to go there. This is an open loop system from KFLOP's perspective. An exception to this is KFLOP's Closed Loop step/direction mode where encoder position is fed back to KFLOP and it also closes the position loop around the drive. This double loop approach is not common unless linear glass scales are providing the feedback to KFLOP. If analog Velocity/Torque mode is used then KFLOP's PID/IIR Filters are used to close the position loop.


Re: Use of Filters When Using "Smart Servo Drives"

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:18 pm
by Druid_ON
Thank you Tom,

Ability to use filters is good news as I intend using velocity mode.