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Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:13 pm
by beelash.v
hello, Tom.
There is a question about rs485.
I bought an old used 6-axis robot. I change everything in it.
Want to use opensource servo drivers. It is based on the stm32 chip, called stmbl.
The pcb has a rj45 connector for several protocols. could you look at which one of them would be able to control the motors with kflop.
unfortunately guys have not left analog control. only step / dir or unknown protocols for me. In the manual it is said that it is possible to extend the number of protocols. I would like to use any of the popular protocols, such as modbus or profibus... I do not want to leave kflop and switch to linuxCNC just because there is a SmartSerial control.

Re: Kflop+stmbl

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:29 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Beelash,

It seems like Step/Dir (or better quadrature) should work with the feedback going to the drive and the drive closing the position loop. I don’t see any other workable options. I think RS485 would be too slow.